by Frank Santoro -- Publishers Weekly, 8/18/2008 3:33:00 PM
Kyle Baker's new art book should be shelved in the self-help, self-improvement, new age-y section of the bookstore where folks try to find some direction in life. Kyle Baker has a message for THE PEOPLE.
And what is Kyle Baker's message? Learn How To Draw, Stupid! No,wait, it's: Learn How To Draw Stupid. No comma after the word "draw", heh.
That's right. Draw stupid, stupid, and you'll feel better. You'll laugh. You'll learn how to draw and in the process learn how to live free of bitterness, cynicism and indifference. Baker basically says that if you can draw a funny cartoon with a pen and a piece of paper that you will make someone laugh and by doing so unlock a secret code that gains you access to higher levels of consciousness.
Just who is Kyle Baker? Basically, he was a teenage cartooning wonder in the mid 80's who worked his way through the infamous bullpens of both DC and Marvel Comics. He paid his dues and then went on to create two of the most groundbreaking graphic ovels of the late '80s: The Cowboy Wally Show and the still remarkable Why I Hate Saturn. After a stint in Hollywood doing Hollywood stuff he returned to comics in the mid '90's with a vengeance and hasn't let up on the pace, producing an average of two books a year for a decade. Presently, he has every demographic covered with a war comic, a kid's comic, a comic about the Nat Turner-led U.S. slave rebellion, and a How To Draw book all crowding the same New Releases shelf.
He’s prolific, and he’s good—a rare combination. His comics are straightforward. They’re realistic when they need to be and funny when they have to be. Kyle Baker can shift stylistic gears like no one else in the business. Maybe I was just high, but I laughed through the entirety of How To Draw Stupid;, every page is, well, funny. It just might be Baker's best book to date, his voice is so well represented. Structured like most "How to Draw" books yet devoid of the typical step-by-step, rote instruction that typifies the genre, this book serves more as an advertisement for Baker, his oeuvre, and his philosophy.
Baker completes this "advertisement for myself" by proudly displaying all the covers of his books from every stage of his professional cartooning career in the middle of the book. He writes honestly about how he didn't want to lose himself, his vision and creativity by working for some big animation studio or by continuing to slave away for the big comics publishers. He somehow literally draws a picture of his life, and it's quite refreshing: "There are some professional cartoonists who hate their jobs. [...] Why on earth are they working on cartoons they hate? It couldn't possibly be for the money. If I were going to do a job I hated just because I needed the money, I'd sell weapons. It pays better than cartooning."
Baker's "Yes! You can!" philosophy and the way he presents it in 14 clear and concise chapters is broad and expansive and really pulls the reader in. I couldn't put this book down. Reading it feels like you’re really getting the inside dope. He explains how to draw simply and how to create iconic images and characters and how get inside their heads "even when there's nothing there!" His technical specificity is minimal but that is his point. "It's just a freakin' cartoon! It's not the Sistine Chapel!" He has very real helpful advice, but he knows that he doesn't need to make a How-To book like everyone else. Baker admonishes and encourages the reader to just try it, to just pick up a pen and make something happen, what have you got to lose? "Zero start-up cost!"
And after years of flying just a bit underneath the pop culture radar, Baker's comics like Nat Turner are attracting a very diverse audience and he, as a professional, is growing beyond the confines of the comics industry. He seems poised to unleash his positive attitude towards life on to the masses, and when The Bakers (his comic-book-ification of his family life) materializes as a Fox TV show, he might really end up creating a new template for the modern cartoonist. So I'm thinking as I read his How to Draw: maybe this guy knows what he's talking about.
The thing that strikes me the most about Baker's approach is his range. The guy can draw "realistically" and also demonstrates how exaggeration is the key to all characterization. Meaning his characters act. He draws cartoons; it's visuals first, words later, like Charlie Chaplin, like Jack Kirby. It's not War and Peace. And by reminding us of this page after page through his own very successful (Scott McCloud approved!) stories, he truly does instruct the reader/student on what does work, how to draw stupid, how to make something funny. Baker's example, his sense of humor and killer timing really inspires one to act, to create, to find one's way.
[Kyle Baker's How To Draw Stupid And Other Essentials Of Cartooning is published by Watson-Guptill and costs $16.95.]
[Frank Santoro is a cartoonist the author of Storyville, which was reissued this year by Picturebox. He lives in Pittsburgh.] intensity. Baker tells Kurt how he ended up telling this story.
NAT TURNER (Single Volume HC)
eye candy:
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Victoria’s Secret Service : Trade Paperback
128 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60702-492-7
Author(s): Darren G. Davis & Terrance Griep
Artist(s): Nadir Balan
WIZARD MAGAZINE’s top 10 comics to look out for. They say it takes a thief to catch a thief, and the glamorous field agents of VSS put this tenant to the test when they allow their newest member, the American sneak-thief Scarlet, to take point on her first full mission: hoping to derail on imminent coronation, an unknown scoundrel has stolen the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. It's up to Lark, Raven, Brooke, and Scarlet to steal back these vibrant symbols of the monarchy they have be paid to protect. But which of her teammates is spying on Scarlet? And why? It's thief versus thief and spy versus spy in this high-impact thriller produced by creator Darren Davis who joins writer Terrance Griep and artist Nadir Balan.
Judo Girl: Trade Paperback
96 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60702-491-0
Author(s): Terrance Griep
Artist(s): Nadir Balan
The hot selling title from Bluewater is coming back next month, so get caught up in this groovy graphic novel. Judo Girl is a woman on a mission: after having spent 40-years in suspended animation, she searches for her missing brother. And Captain Steel hasn't exactly spent the last four decades collecting rust either. Indeed, his awful plans are about to solidify on a worldwide scale. On the flip side is a retro story set during the era of go-go boots and slot cars revealing the secret origin of the original Steel Ray! Martial art meets pop art; both the modern story and the retro story tie in together for one fantastic adventure.
Vincent Price Presents #4
Writer: Chad Helder
Pencils: Giovanni P. Timpano
Cover Artist(s): cover: Joel Robinson
Vincent Price Presents all new gothic horror stories for a new generation of Vincent Price fans. In this macabre tale where gothic horror meets the perversions of science, a young boy must face a twisted trial, a rite of passage conceived by a madman, and confront a creature deep within a mad scientist’s dungeon.
Author(s): Chad Helder
Artist(s) Daniel Crosier
Cover Artist(s): Daniel Crosier
In the fourth and final issue of Bartholomew of the Scissors, the White Blob, bent on assimilating the human race, rises from the sea to secure its stronghold on the town. In a desperate battle, Gordon Watt enlists the help of the National Guard to drive the monstrous organism back into the sea. Meanwhile, Jessica and Victor fall into the clutches of a witch-hunting mob seeking the annihilation of all Spectral Phantasms. Only Bartholomew of the Scissors and his menacing Scissor Swarm has the power to save them from being burned alive at the stake.
Waterbury #2
Writer: Dan Rafter
Pencils: Bryan Golden
Cover Artist(s): Bryan Golden
Audrey's husband dreamt of living in a small town and running his own bed-and-breakfast inn. That dream may have killed him. And now Audrey's wondering if it might do the same to her. Is Audrey willing to make a deal with the devil to save herself? Find out in this second installment of Bluewater's manga-style mystery series.
1782: The Year Of The Blood: One Shot
Author(s): Mike Maydak
Artist(s): Mike Maydak
Cover Artist(s): cover : Mike Maydak
After seven long years, victory has reigned at Yorktown. Whispered among the colonies, the promises of long sought freedoms and liberties. But to the west, across the Appalachians, there are no such promises. Only more strife, more hardship, more death. The year is 1782, the year of blood.
Ray Harryhausen Presents: The Elementals #4
Author(s): Scott Davis
Artist(s): Sebastián Piriz
Cover Artist(s): cover : Sebastián Piriz
It's all be leading up to this! The world is we thought we knew is gone and the planet is under a constant barrage from the wild Elemental beasts. Even the 5th Squadron seems fractured beyond repair. The great rift between the realities is growing and has reached the tipping point. In this final chapter of the fantastical and phantasmic WWI epic adventure, the squadron faces momentous decisions of life, death and sacrifice in one final push to bring the world back from the brink.
The Imaginaries : Vol #2, #1
Author(s): Mike S. Miller and Ben Avery
Artist(s) Nikos Koutsis
Cover Artist(s): Nikos Koutsis & Mike Miller
The popular series from IMAGE comics from to Bluewater. A child's faith is a powerful thing. It gives life to his imagination, and that imagination can even take on a life of its own. But what happens to the imaginary friends, the childhood superheroes, the playmates and stuffed animals when the children who gave them life no longer believe in them? They go to the IMAGINED NATION. SUPERHERO G is back in the continuing story of a city in need of a hero, and a hero who just wants to go home... When last we saw Superhero G, he was forced into the precarious position of having to serve the evil Ice Queen in order to get back home to Tanner, his child creator. Introducing to the U.S. market, Greece's No. 1 comic book illustrator, NIKOS KOUTSIS, in his debut American comic!
ATLAS’s Guide to the ABC’s
Author(s): Darren G. Davis
Artist(s) Mark Brooks
Hardcover book $5.99
AWARD WINNER! Seal of Excellence - Creative Child Magazine. Join the superpowered hero ATLAS, as he recites the Supreme Code of Superhero ABC's in this funny and unique board book for superkids.
128 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60702-492-7
Author(s): Darren G. Davis & Terrance Griep
Artist(s): Nadir Balan
WIZARD MAGAZINE’s top 10 comics to look out for. They say it takes a thief to catch a thief, and the glamorous field agents of VSS put this tenant to the test when they allow their newest member, the American sneak-thief Scarlet, to take point on her first full mission: hoping to derail on imminent coronation, an unknown scoundrel has stolen the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. It's up to Lark, Raven, Brooke, and Scarlet to steal back these vibrant symbols of the monarchy they have be paid to protect. But which of her teammates is spying on Scarlet? And why? It's thief versus thief and spy versus spy in this high-impact thriller produced by creator Darren Davis who joins writer Terrance Griep and artist Nadir Balan.
Judo Girl: Trade Paperback
96 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60702-491-0
Author(s): Terrance Griep
Artist(s): Nadir Balan
The hot selling title from Bluewater is coming back next month, so get caught up in this groovy graphic novel. Judo Girl is a woman on a mission: after having spent 40-years in suspended animation, she searches for her missing brother. And Captain Steel hasn't exactly spent the last four decades collecting rust either. Indeed, his awful plans are about to solidify on a worldwide scale. On the flip side is a retro story set during the era of go-go boots and slot cars revealing the secret origin of the original Steel Ray! Martial art meets pop art; both the modern story and the retro story tie in together for one fantastic adventure.
Vincent Price Presents #4
Writer: Chad Helder
Pencils: Giovanni P. Timpano
Cover Artist(s): cover: Joel Robinson
Vincent Price Presents all new gothic horror stories for a new generation of Vincent Price fans. In this macabre tale where gothic horror meets the perversions of science, a young boy must face a twisted trial, a rite of passage conceived by a madman, and confront a creature deep within a mad scientist’s dungeon.
Author(s): Chad Helder
Artist(s) Daniel Crosier
Cover Artist(s): Daniel Crosier
In the fourth and final issue of Bartholomew of the Scissors, the White Blob, bent on assimilating the human race, rises from the sea to secure its stronghold on the town. In a desperate battle, Gordon Watt enlists the help of the National Guard to drive the monstrous organism back into the sea. Meanwhile, Jessica and Victor fall into the clutches of a witch-hunting mob seeking the annihilation of all Spectral Phantasms. Only Bartholomew of the Scissors and his menacing Scissor Swarm has the power to save them from being burned alive at the stake.
Waterbury #2
Writer: Dan Rafter
Pencils: Bryan Golden
Cover Artist(s): Bryan Golden
Audrey's husband dreamt of living in a small town and running his own bed-and-breakfast inn. That dream may have killed him. And now Audrey's wondering if it might do the same to her. Is Audrey willing to make a deal with the devil to save herself? Find out in this second installment of Bluewater's manga-style mystery series.
1782: The Year Of The Blood: One Shot
Author(s): Mike Maydak
Artist(s): Mike Maydak
Cover Artist(s): cover : Mike Maydak
After seven long years, victory has reigned at Yorktown. Whispered among the colonies, the promises of long sought freedoms and liberties. But to the west, across the Appalachians, there are no such promises. Only more strife, more hardship, more death. The year is 1782, the year of blood.
Ray Harryhausen Presents: The Elementals #4
Author(s): Scott Davis
Artist(s): Sebastián Piriz
Cover Artist(s): cover : Sebastián Piriz
It's all be leading up to this! The world is we thought we knew is gone and the planet is under a constant barrage from the wild Elemental beasts. Even the 5th Squadron seems fractured beyond repair. The great rift between the realities is growing and has reached the tipping point. In this final chapter of the fantastical and phantasmic WWI epic adventure, the squadron faces momentous decisions of life, death and sacrifice in one final push to bring the world back from the brink.
The Imaginaries : Vol #2, #1
Author(s): Mike S. Miller and Ben Avery
Artist(s) Nikos Koutsis
Cover Artist(s): Nikos Koutsis & Mike Miller
The popular series from IMAGE comics from to Bluewater. A child's faith is a powerful thing. It gives life to his imagination, and that imagination can even take on a life of its own. But what happens to the imaginary friends, the childhood superheroes, the playmates and stuffed animals when the children who gave them life no longer believe in them? They go to the IMAGINED NATION. SUPERHERO G is back in the continuing story of a city in need of a hero, and a hero who just wants to go home... When last we saw Superhero G, he was forced into the precarious position of having to serve the evil Ice Queen in order to get back home to Tanner, his child creator. Introducing to the U.S. market, Greece's No. 1 comic book illustrator, NIKOS KOUTSIS, in his debut American comic!
ATLAS’s Guide to the ABC’s
Author(s): Darren G. Davis
Artist(s) Mark Brooks
Hardcover book $5.99
AWARD WINNER! Seal of Excellence - Creative Child Magazine. Join the superpowered hero ATLAS, as he recites the Supreme Code of Superhero ABC's in this funny and unique board book for superkids.
LOS ANGELES, CA August 19, 2008 -- Seizing an opportunity to leverage the current wave of popularity and notoriety surrounding the new digital graphic novel sensation, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE, MGM Domestic Television Distribution has acquired an option to develop the Factory Publishing property as a possible television series. The announcement was made today by Chris Ottinger, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Television, MGM.
"THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is an exciting digital graphic novel that's creating quite a sensation abroad," said Ottinger in announcing MGM's option of the property. "We see this as a great concept that will make an exciting series for worldwide audiences.”
"MGM is a great place for THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE," said Howard Webster, creator, producer and director of the project for Factory Publishing in association with Triumph Motorcycles. "There has never been a black British action hero before and what appealed to me was that MGM understood this from the outset. JONAS MOORE is sophisticated, educated, tough and uber-cool. He represents the next generation of intelligent action heroes of international sci-fi drama."
THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE was written, produced and directed by Howard Webster. Ruth Vitale of The Film Collective brought the project to MGM. She was instrumental in developing the television pitch with Webster. She is attached as an Executive Producer to the project, having worked with Webster for the last four years on Factory Magazine.
Nominated at MIPCOM 2007's Mobile and Internet TV Awards in the Best Short Form Mobile and Internet Drama category and an official honoree at this year's Webby Awards, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is a trilogy of second-generation graphic novels, which live online and are specifically designed for iPod and PC download.
THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is set in a time where the British Empire has never ended and America is just one of thousands of virtual worlds hosted on a vast global game network. When Jonas Moore (portrayed online by British film and TV star Colin Salmon -- Resident Evil, Die Another Day, Prime Suspect and the upcoming Punisher: War Zone, and Blood: The Last Vampire), a character personally created by the network's founder, becomes self-aware he is tagged by the network as a virus and goes on the run. As he moves from one artificial game world to the next, his knowledge of the games and the real-world gamers spreads like a virus to the other game characters, freaks, creatures and monsters who live as slaves within the network - precipitating a revolution and fight for freedom against the murderously addicted real-world gamers. Worlds Apart lead singer Steve Hart wrote the score for the production and also stars in the online version.
Combining comic book illustration with 3D animation, live action photography, newsreel archival footage, and an original music score, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE marks a revolution in online branded entertainment and user-generated content. Pushing the boundaries of the graphic novel genre, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE engages fans by inviting them to become part of the journey by downloading the JONAS MOORE digital elements and animating their own stories or creating comic book adventures for JONAS MOORE. Garage bands and musicians all over the world are also invited to strip out the music and send in their own soundtracks. The best fan-generated comic books, animations and soundtracks will be posted at when the online digital comic book series goes live later this year.
Previews for THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE digital graphic novel can be seen at and
About Factory Publishing Ltd.
For over five years, Factory Publishing Ltd has been producing a title that regularly impacts with special editions on the top 10,000 names in the movie and TV industry in LA and NY from its base in London. Its new online edition, found at, has attracted over 2 million hits to date. Factory's founder, Howard Webster, is a photographer and film director ( THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE (WWW.JONASMOORE.COM) is the first of a series of original 'hero-based' digital graphic novels designed for digital and iPod download that Factory currently has in development.
Combining comic book illustration with 3D animation, live action photography, newsreel archival footage, and an original music score, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE marks a revolution in online branded entertainment and user-generated content. Pushing the boundaries of the graphic novel genre, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE also engages fans by inviting them to become part of the journey by downloading the JONAS MOORE digital elements and animating their own stories or creating comic book adventures for JONAS MOORE. A special extended preview of THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is posted at Factory magazine online ( The full online digital graphic novel series for THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is scheduled for a late 2008 release, with the creative assets for fans to exploit and mash-up.
About Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., through its operating subsidiaries, is actively engaged in the worldwide production and distribution of motion pictures, television programming, home video, interactive media, music and licensed merchandise. The company owns the world's largest library of modern films, comprising around 4,100 titles. Operating units include Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., United Artists Films Inc., Ventanazul, MGM Television Entertainment Inc., MGM Networks Inc., MGM Domestic Networks LLC, MGM Distribution Co, MGM International Television Distribution In, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Home Entertainment LLC, MGM ON STAGE, MGM Music, MGM Worldwide Digital Media, MGM Consumer Products and MGM Interactive. In addition, MGM has ownership interests in international TV channels reaching nearly 120 countries. MGM ownership is as follows: Providence Equity Partners (29%), TPG (21%), Sony Corporation of America (20%), Comcast (20%), DLJ Merchant Banking Partners (7%) and Quadrangle Group (3%). For more information, visit
LOS ANGELES, CA August 19, 2008 -- Seizing an opportunity to leverage the current wave of popularity and notoriety surrounding the new digital graphic novel sensation, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE, MGM Domestic Television Distribution has acquired an option to develop the Factory Publishing property as a possible television series. The announcement was made today by Chris Ottinger, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Television, MGM.
"THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is an exciting digital graphic novel that's creating quite a sensation abroad," said Ottinger in announcing MGM's option of the property. "We see this as a great concept that will make an exciting series for worldwide audiences.”
"MGM is a great place for THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE," said Howard Webster, creator, producer and director of the project for Factory Publishing in association with Triumph Motorcycles. "There has never been a black British action hero before and what appealed to me was that MGM understood this from the outset. JONAS MOORE is sophisticated, educated, tough and uber-cool. He represents the next generation of intelligent action heroes of international sci-fi drama."
THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE was written, produced and directed by Howard Webster. Ruth Vitale of The Film Collective brought the project to MGM. She was instrumental in developing the television pitch with Webster. She is attached as an Executive Producer to the project, having worked with Webster for the last four years on Factory Magazine.
Nominated at MIPCOM 2007's Mobile and Internet TV Awards in the Best Short Form Mobile and Internet Drama category and an official honoree at this year's Webby Awards, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is a trilogy of second-generation graphic novels, which live online and are specifically designed for iPod and PC download.
THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is set in a time where the British Empire has never ended and America is just one of thousands of virtual worlds hosted on a vast global game network. When Jonas Moore (portrayed online by British film and TV star Colin Salmon -- Resident Evil, Die Another Day, Prime Suspect and the upcoming Punisher: War Zone, and Blood: The Last Vampire), a character personally created by the network's founder, becomes self-aware he is tagged by the network as a virus and goes on the run. As he moves from one artificial game world to the next, his knowledge of the games and the real-world gamers spreads like a virus to the other game characters, freaks, creatures and monsters who live as slaves within the network - precipitating a revolution and fight for freedom against the murderously addicted real-world gamers. Worlds Apart lead singer Steve Hart wrote the score for the production and also stars in the online version.
Combining comic book illustration with 3D animation, live action photography, newsreel archival footage, and an original music score, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE marks a revolution in online branded entertainment and user-generated content. Pushing the boundaries of the graphic novel genre, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE engages fans by inviting them to become part of the journey by downloading the JONAS MOORE digital elements and animating their own stories or creating comic book adventures for JONAS MOORE. Garage bands and musicians all over the world are also invited to strip out the music and send in their own soundtracks. The best fan-generated comic books, animations and soundtracks will be posted at when the online digital comic book series goes live later this year.
Previews for THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE digital graphic novel can be seen at and
About Factory Publishing Ltd.
For over five years, Factory Publishing Ltd has been producing a title that regularly impacts with special editions on the top 10,000 names in the movie and TV industry in LA and NY from its base in London. Its new online edition, found at, has attracted over 2 million hits to date. Factory's founder, Howard Webster, is a photographer and film director ( THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE (WWW.JONASMOORE.COM) is the first of a series of original 'hero-based' digital graphic novels designed for digital and iPod download that Factory currently has in development.
Combining comic book illustration with 3D animation, live action photography, newsreel archival footage, and an original music score, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE marks a revolution in online branded entertainment and user-generated content. Pushing the boundaries of the graphic novel genre, THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE also engages fans by inviting them to become part of the journey by downloading the JONAS MOORE digital elements and animating their own stories or creating comic book adventures for JONAS MOORE. A special extended preview of THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is posted at Factory magazine online ( The full online digital graphic novel series for THE MANY WORLDS OF JONAS MOORE is scheduled for a late 2008 release, with the creative assets for fans to exploit and mash-up.
About Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., through its operating subsidiaries, is actively engaged in the worldwide production and distribution of motion pictures, television programming, home video, interactive media, music and licensed merchandise. The company owns the world's largest library of modern films, comprising around 4,100 titles. Operating units include Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., United Artists Films Inc., Ventanazul, MGM Television Entertainment Inc., MGM Networks Inc., MGM Domestic Networks LLC, MGM Distribution Co, MGM International Television Distribution In, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Home Entertainment LLC, MGM ON STAGE, MGM Music, MGM Worldwide Digital Media, MGM Consumer Products and MGM Interactive. In addition, MGM has ownership interests in international TV channels reaching nearly 120 countries. MGM ownership is as follows: Providence Equity Partners (29%), TPG (21%), Sony Corporation of America (20%), Comcast (20%), DLJ Merchant Banking Partners (7%) and Quadrangle Group (3%). For more information, visit
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Issue sixteen of CWR is now online, and it’s the BRITISH INVASION! Plus, the CWR crew reacts to Robert Kirkman’s recent video message to the comics community about doing creator-owned material. Here’s this issue’s goodness:
Simon Pegg, Jessica Hynes, and Edgar Wright interviewed! The SPACED trio hit the press roundtables in San Diego, and Marc Mason was there to report on it:
Marc Mason interviews Steven Moffat about what’s in store for DR WHO and Julie Gardner and Naoko Mori about TORCHWOOD!:
Matt Maxwell takes in the Kirkman video from the perspective of today’s indy creator:
Elliott Serrano watches the Kirkman video and wonders if the answer is to clone the man:
Avril Brown takes a look at the upcoming WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN cartoon and what it means to longtime X-fans:
Vince Moore indulges in some freewriting and ponders whether he loves, hates, or just doesn’t care about superheroes:
Steve Saunders takes a look at a couple of new games, points out a new beta test and reviews some new comics:
All wrapped in a terrific Elliott Serrano designed cover:
Remember: If you read something at CWR that you like, pass it on to friends and blogs. Enjoy the reading!
Marc Mason
Comics Waiting Room
Issue sixteen of CWR is now online, and it’s the BRITISH INVASION! Plus, the CWR crew reacts to Robert Kirkman’s recent video message to the comics community about doing creator-owned material. Here’s this issue’s goodness:
Simon Pegg, Jessica Hynes, and Edgar Wright interviewed! The SPACED trio hit the press roundtables in San Diego, and Marc Mason was there to report on it:
Marc Mason interviews Steven Moffat about what’s in store for DR WHO and Julie Gardner and Naoko Mori about TORCHWOOD!:
Matt Maxwell takes in the Kirkman video from the perspective of today’s indy creator:
Elliott Serrano watches the Kirkman video and wonders if the answer is to clone the man:
Avril Brown takes a look at the upcoming WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN cartoon and what it means to longtime X-fans:
Vince Moore indulges in some freewriting and ponders whether he loves, hates, or just doesn’t care about superheroes:
Steve Saunders takes a look at a couple of new games, points out a new beta test and reviews some new comics:
All wrapped in a terrific Elliott Serrano designed cover:
Remember: If you read something at CWR that you like, pass it on to friends and blogs. Enjoy the reading!
Marc Mason
Comics Waiting Room
August 19, 2008 - Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and 30 Days of Night co-creator/artist Ben Templesmith are the most recent additions to the ever-swelling guest list for the 2009 Emerald City ComiCon, the premier comic book and pop culture convention in the Pacific Northwest.
"This will mark the first time that either of these celebrated creators have appeared at ECCC," said Organizer Jim Demonakos. "It's like a One-Two Punch of awesome."
Other creators making their first appearance ever include Adi Granov (Iron Man), Darwyn Cooke (The New Frontier), Humberto Ramos (Runaways), Matt Fraction (Uncanny X-Men), Barry Kitson (Amazing Spider-Man), Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex), Alex Robinson (Too Cool To Be Forgotten), Greg Horn (Secret Invasion), Bob Layton (Iron Man), Khoi Pham (Incredible Herc), Mark Brooks (X-Men) and many others.
"We're continually committed to giving our attendees a great convention experience by bringing them the freshest creators, publishers and exhibitors around," continued Demonakos. "In addition, we're expanding our show floor by an additional 15,000 square feet to accommodate the shows substantial growth."
For updates on guests, exhibitors, programming and more, visit our website ( where right now you can find dozens more creators not listed here and sign yourself up for the free ECCC e-mail newsletter.
Also on the website, applications are now available for both Exhibitor and Artist Alley space, which have sold out consistently the last few years.
The Seventh Annual Emerald City ComiCon takes place at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center in beautiful downtown Seattle, Washington on April 4th & 5th, 2009.
"This will mark the first time that either of these celebrated creators have appeared at ECCC," said Organizer Jim Demonakos. "It's like a One-Two Punch of awesome."
Other creators making their first appearance ever include Adi Granov (Iron Man), Darwyn Cooke (The New Frontier), Humberto Ramos (Runaways), Matt Fraction (Uncanny X-Men), Barry Kitson (Amazing Spider-Man), Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex), Alex Robinson (Too Cool To Be Forgotten), Greg Horn (Secret Invasion), Bob Layton (Iron Man), Khoi Pham (Incredible Herc), Mark Brooks (X-Men) and many others.
"We're continually committed to giving our attendees a great convention experience by bringing them the freshest creators, publishers and exhibitors around," continued Demonakos. "In addition, we're expanding our show floor by an additional 15,000 square feet to accommodate the shows substantial growth."
For updates on guests, exhibitors, programming and more, visit our website ( where right now you can find dozens more creators not listed here and sign yourself up for the free ECCC e-mail newsletter.
Also on the website, applications are now available for both Exhibitor and Artist Alley space, which have sold out consistently the last few years.
The Seventh Annual Emerald City ComiCon takes place at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center in beautiful downtown Seattle, Washington on April 4th & 5th, 2009.
PRESS RELEASE - FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ENDORSES BARACK OBAMA!Former Presidential candidate Savage Dragon puts in his endorsement for the Democratic nominee!
18 August 2008 (Berkeley, CA) - As reported in the New York Times, a former presidential candidate will give his endorsement for this years' race in SAVAGE DRAGON #137, as the titular character supports Democratic nominee, Barack Obama!
"Four years ago the Dragon was a reluctant presidential candidate," SAVAGE DRAGON creator Erik Larsen said. "Fans have asked if he'll be running again, but given the importance of the upcoming election it seemed appropriate that he would back Barack Obama, the candidate whose politics most reflect his own. Savage Dragon will be giving Barack Obama his full support."
Savage Dragon made his initial play for the presidential election in the 2004 campaign, but rescinded once the man claiming to be his running mate turned out to be Dreadknight, a supervillain bent on world domination. SAVAGE DRAGON #137 will sport a special 1:5 variant cover featuring Dragon formally endorsing the one candidate he is confident is not a potential nemesis, Barack Obama.
SAVAGE DRAGON #137 (DEC072099), a 32-page full color comic book for $2.99, will be available September 3rd, 2008. The full New York Times story may be read at
Image Comics is a comics and graphic novels publisher formed in 1992 by a collective of best-selling artists. Since that time, Image has gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the United States. There are currently five partners in Image Comics (Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, and Jim Valentino), and Image is currently divided into four major houses (Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline, and Image Central). Image comics and graphic novels cover nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable, offering science fiction, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor, and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. Visit
18 August 2008 (Berkeley, CA) - As reported in the New York Times, a former presidential candidate will give his endorsement for this years' race in SAVAGE DRAGON #137, as the titular character supports Democratic nominee, Barack Obama!
"Four years ago the Dragon was a reluctant presidential candidate," SAVAGE DRAGON creator Erik Larsen said. "Fans have asked if he'll be running again, but given the importance of the upcoming election it seemed appropriate that he would back Barack Obama, the candidate whose politics most reflect his own. Savage Dragon will be giving Barack Obama his full support."
Savage Dragon made his initial play for the presidential election in the 2004 campaign, but rescinded once the man claiming to be his running mate turned out to be Dreadknight, a supervillain bent on world domination. SAVAGE DRAGON #137 will sport a special 1:5 variant cover featuring Dragon formally endorsing the one candidate he is confident is not a potential nemesis, Barack Obama.
SAVAGE DRAGON #137 (DEC072099), a 32-page full color comic book for $2.99, will be available September 3rd, 2008. The full New York Times story may be read at
Image Comics is a comics and graphic novels publisher formed in 1992 by a collective of best-selling artists. Since that time, Image has gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the United States. There are currently five partners in Image Comics (Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, and Jim Valentino), and Image is currently divided into four major houses (Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline, and Image Central). Image comics and graphic novels cover nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable, offering science fiction, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor, and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. Visit
“When it comes to comic book legends, few loom as large as Alan Moore.”
-- Publisher’s Weekly Comics Week
From “V for Vendetta” to “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” Enter Moore’s Innovative World Through This Special 2-Disc Collector’s Set ($29.95srp) Featuring the Acclaimed Film, an Exclusive 20-Page Booklet with Foreward by Author Michael Moorcock and Over Three Hours of Bonus Footage…only from The Disinformation Company
NEW YORK, NY – As Comic-Con 2008 set records for attendance this summer, much of the “buzz” centered on Zack Snyder’s eagerly anticipated, big screen adaptation of the Hugo Award-winning cult classic graphic novel “Watchmen,” authored by legendary comic book writer Alan Moore. Now, in the first and only documentary in which the heretofore reclusive, visionary and innovative Moore participates, his hugely-devoted fan base and the soon-to-be-indoctrinated can enter the mind of the world’s most famous comic book author, embarking on a fascinating and psychedelic journey through the life and career of the creator of “Watchmen,” “From Hell,” “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” “Constantine” and “V for Vendetta.” THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE makes its DVD debut on September 30, only from The Disinformation Company.
“Alan Moore is universally acknowledged as the most important
mainstream comics writer of the last three decades”
Moore – writer, artist and performer – is the arguably the world’s most critically acclaimed and widely admired creator of comic books and graphic novels, a true original responsible for many of the genre’s iconic creations. In THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE, viewers are granted a portrait of the artist as contemporary shaman -- someone with the power to transform consciousness by means of manipulating language, symbols and images. The award-winning film, from director DeZ Vylenz, leads the audience through Moore ’s world with the writer himself as guide, beginning with his childhood background, following the evolution of his career as he transformed the comics medium, through to his immersion in a magical worldview where science, spirituality and society are part of the same universe.
This exclusive 2-disc collector’s set, containing the extraordinary film on the life of this modern-day philosopher, artist and magician presented with English, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles, features over three hours of extras that further illuminate the masterful mind of Moore, including:
Interviews with Melinda Gebbie (“Lost Girls”), Dave Gibbons (“Watchmen”), David Lloyd (“V For Vendetta”), Kevin O’Neill (“League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”) and Jose Villarubia (“Promethia” and “Mirror of Love”)
“Making of” featurette
Introduction to Alan Moore’s work by Paul Gravett
Selected scene analysis with director’s commentary
Interviews with director, composer and special make-up FX artist
Recipient of the Special Recognition Award for Creative Achievement in Documentary Filmmaking at the San Francisco World Film Festival, THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE has also been featured at film festivals worldwide including Comica at the ICA Cinema London, Copenhagen International Film Festival, Belfast International Film Festival, San Diego Comic-Con Film Fest, Comicdom Con Athens and Caption Oxford.
As excitement continues to build for “Watchmen” (scheduled for release in March ’09) – the publisher just put an additional 300,00 copies in print following the release of the trailer and Comic-Con – get an inside glimpse inside the psychedelic worldview of one of the world’s most visionary and creative minds with THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE.
The Disinformation Company Ltd. is active in TV production, book publishing and home entertainment. It is most widely recognized for its distribution of products on subjects not usually covered by the traditional media. Recent DVD exclusives from The Disinformation Company include the best-selling Robert Greenwald documentaries Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War, and Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties, as well as Robert Baer’s The Cult of the Suicide Bomber, and Greg Palast’s Bush Family Fortunes.
# # #
-- Publisher’s Weekly Comics Week
From “V for Vendetta” to “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” Enter Moore’s Innovative World Through This Special 2-Disc Collector’s Set ($29.95srp) Featuring the Acclaimed Film, an Exclusive 20-Page Booklet with Foreward by Author Michael Moorcock and Over Three Hours of Bonus Footage…only from The Disinformation Company
NEW YORK, NY – As Comic-Con 2008 set records for attendance this summer, much of the “buzz” centered on Zack Snyder’s eagerly anticipated, big screen adaptation of the Hugo Award-winning cult classic graphic novel “Watchmen,” authored by legendary comic book writer Alan Moore. Now, in the first and only documentary in which the heretofore reclusive, visionary and innovative Moore participates, his hugely-devoted fan base and the soon-to-be-indoctrinated can enter the mind of the world’s most famous comic book author, embarking on a fascinating and psychedelic journey through the life and career of the creator of “Watchmen,” “From Hell,” “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” “Constantine” and “V for Vendetta.” THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE makes its DVD debut on September 30, only from The Disinformation Company.
“Alan Moore is universally acknowledged as the most important
mainstream comics writer of the last three decades”
Moore – writer, artist and performer – is the arguably the world’s most critically acclaimed and widely admired creator of comic books and graphic novels, a true original responsible for many of the genre’s iconic creations. In THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE, viewers are granted a portrait of the artist as contemporary shaman -- someone with the power to transform consciousness by means of manipulating language, symbols and images. The award-winning film, from director DeZ Vylenz, leads the audience through Moore ’s world with the writer himself as guide, beginning with his childhood background, following the evolution of his career as he transformed the comics medium, through to his immersion in a magical worldview where science, spirituality and society are part of the same universe.
This exclusive 2-disc collector’s set, containing the extraordinary film on the life of this modern-day philosopher, artist and magician presented with English, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles, features over three hours of extras that further illuminate the masterful mind of Moore, including:
Interviews with Melinda Gebbie (“Lost Girls”), Dave Gibbons (“Watchmen”), David Lloyd (“V For Vendetta”), Kevin O’Neill (“League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”) and Jose Villarubia (“Promethia” and “Mirror of Love”)
“Making of” featurette
Introduction to Alan Moore’s work by Paul Gravett
Selected scene analysis with director’s commentary
Interviews with director, composer and special make-up FX artist
Recipient of the Special Recognition Award for Creative Achievement in Documentary Filmmaking at the San Francisco World Film Festival, THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE has also been featured at film festivals worldwide including Comica at the ICA Cinema London, Copenhagen International Film Festival, Belfast International Film Festival, San Diego Comic-Con Film Fest, Comicdom Con Athens and Caption Oxford.
As excitement continues to build for “Watchmen” (scheduled for release in March ’09) – the publisher just put an additional 300,00 copies in print following the release of the trailer and Comic-Con – get an inside glimpse inside the psychedelic worldview of one of the world’s most visionary and creative minds with THE MINDSCAPE OF ALAN MOORE.
The Disinformation Company Ltd. is active in TV production, book publishing and home entertainment. It is most widely recognized for its distribution of products on subjects not usually covered by the traditional media. Recent DVD exclusives from The Disinformation Company include the best-selling Robert Greenwald documentaries Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War, and Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties, as well as Robert Baer’s The Cult of the Suicide Bomber, and Greg Palast’s Bush Family Fortunes.
# # #
Radical Publishing to sponsor Heal the Bay charity event
August 18th, 2008, LOS ANGELES – Radical Publishing is proud to team up with Global Image Group in sponsoring Global's Annual Summer Celebration to help raise money for Heal the Bay, a non-profit organization, dedicated to protecting California's Santa Monica Bay.
Hosted at restaurant and nightclub RITUAL in Los Angeles, CA on August 21st, Radical will be providing gift packages of Radical Creations’ clothing for all the guests in attendance.
Barry Levine, Radical Publishing’s President and Publisher notes, “When I heard that Radical Publishing had an opportunity to help out the folks at Heal the Bay, I immediately signed us up to participate. Living in Los Angeles, I understand the importance of keeping our oceans clean and appreciate the work that Heal the Bay does. The Annual Summer Celebration looks to be a classy event and I am glad to see Radical contributing to making it a successful occasion.”
In addition to the live music, silent auction and entertainment, Radical Publishing’s video trailers for Caliber: First Canon of Justice, Freedom Formula: Ghost of the Wasteland, Yoshitaka Amano’s Mateki: The Magic Flute and the upcoming January 2009 release, Shrapnel will be shown on the plasma screens lining the walls. Radical’s video trailers first made an appearance at the San Diego Comic-Con in July and can be seen either on Radical’s myspace page ( or on the following page links:
Yoshitaka Amano’s Mateki: The Magic Flute
Freedom Formula: Ghost of the Wasteland
Caliber: First Canon of Justice
For more information on Heal the Bay and how you can join or donate, please visit
About Radical Publishing
Radical Publishing is founded by BARRY LEVINE (Producer for Universal Studios, Spyglass Entertainment, Film 44, and Radical Pictures’ HERCULES, Lion Rock Productions, Infinitum Nihil and Radical Pictures’ CALIBER, and Bad Hat Harry Productions and Radical Pictures’ FREEDOM FORMULA. Executive Producer for the in development Warner Brothers’ REX MUNDI movie, written by JIM UHLS, starring JOHNNY DEPP and Universal Pictures’ R.I.P.D), his protégé JESSE BERGER (Executive Producer of HERCULES, CALIBER and FREEDOM FORMULA), and longtime writer/publisher DAVID ELLIOTT (Atomeka Press and Tundra Publishing).
Radical Publishing is bringing the best in writing, storytelling and fully-painted cover and interior artwork to the global comic book market by prominent international talents such as YOSHITAKA AMANO, JOHN BOLTON, LUIS ROYO, JIM STERANKO, STEVE NILES, IAN EDGINTON, STEVE MOORE, SAM SARKAR, STJEPAN SEJIC, DAVE WILKINS, STEVE PUGH, JAMES HEFFRON, TOMM COKER, CLAYTON CRAIN, BILL SIENKIEWICZ, WETA WORKSHOP, IMAGINARY FRIENDS STUDIOS, and many more.
August 18th, 2008, LOS ANGELES – Radical Publishing is proud to team up with Global Image Group in sponsoring Global's Annual Summer Celebration to help raise money for Heal the Bay, a non-profit organization, dedicated to protecting California's Santa Monica Bay.
Hosted at restaurant and nightclub RITUAL in Los Angeles, CA on August 21st, Radical will be providing gift packages of Radical Creations’ clothing for all the guests in attendance.
Barry Levine, Radical Publishing’s President and Publisher notes, “When I heard that Radical Publishing had an opportunity to help out the folks at Heal the Bay, I immediately signed us up to participate. Living in Los Angeles, I understand the importance of keeping our oceans clean and appreciate the work that Heal the Bay does. The Annual Summer Celebration looks to be a classy event and I am glad to see Radical contributing to making it a successful occasion.”
In addition to the live music, silent auction and entertainment, Radical Publishing’s video trailers for Caliber: First Canon of Justice, Freedom Formula: Ghost of the Wasteland, Yoshitaka Amano’s Mateki: The Magic Flute and the upcoming January 2009 release, Shrapnel will be shown on the plasma screens lining the walls. Radical’s video trailers first made an appearance at the San Diego Comic-Con in July and can be seen either on Radical’s myspace page ( or on the following page links:
Yoshitaka Amano’s Mateki: The Magic Flute
Freedom Formula: Ghost of the Wasteland
Caliber: First Canon of Justice
For more information on Heal the Bay and how you can join or donate, please visit
About Radical Publishing
Radical Publishing is founded by BARRY LEVINE (Producer for Universal Studios, Spyglass Entertainment, Film 44, and Radical Pictures’ HERCULES, Lion Rock Productions, Infinitum Nihil and Radical Pictures’ CALIBER, and Bad Hat Harry Productions and Radical Pictures’ FREEDOM FORMULA. Executive Producer for the in development Warner Brothers’ REX MUNDI movie, written by JIM UHLS, starring JOHNNY DEPP and Universal Pictures’ R.I.P.D), his protégé JESSE BERGER (Executive Producer of HERCULES, CALIBER and FREEDOM FORMULA), and longtime writer/publisher DAVID ELLIOTT (Atomeka Press and Tundra Publishing).
Radical Publishing is bringing the best in writing, storytelling and fully-painted cover and interior artwork to the global comic book market by prominent international talents such as YOSHITAKA AMANO, JOHN BOLTON, LUIS ROYO, JIM STERANKO, STEVE NILES, IAN EDGINTON, STEVE MOORE, SAM SARKAR, STJEPAN SEJIC, DAVE WILKINS, STEVE PUGH, JAMES HEFFRON, TOMM COKER, CLAYTON CRAIN, BILL SIENKIEWICZ, WETA WORKSHOP, IMAGINARY FRIENDS STUDIOS, and many more.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Award-Winning Novelist Contributes New Work to Classic Horror Comic
Booklist calls him “an immense talent.” The New York Times Book Review
praises his “folklorist’s eye for telling detail” and “ front-porch
raconteur’s sense of pace.” He’s won five Bram Stoker horror awards . .
. . . And now Joe R. Lansdale, best-selling author of Leather Maiden,
Bubba Ho-Tep, and The Bottoms, is writing TALES FROM THE CRYPT! In
issue #7’s “Moonlight Sonata,” written with Lansdale’s brother John and
drawn by Chris Noeth, a mugger thinks he's hit the jackpot when his
victim's keys open a millionaire's house; but things change when he
finds werewolves in the basement. The issue also contains “Ignoble
Rot,” by Fred Van Lente and Steve Mannion (in which a womanizing player
picks on the wrong female in New Orleans’ French Quarter) and
black-humor introductions by Jim Salicrup and Rick Parker.
TALES FROM THE CRYPT, published bi-monthly, is a 48-page full-color
revival of the classic 1950s horror comic book. Issue #7, cover-priced
at $3.95, is on sale now.
See our redesigned page on MySpace! Become a friend for regular updates
and to interact with us at
See previews and more at
Award-Winning Novelist Contributes New Work to Classic Horror Comic
Booklist calls him “an immense talent.” The New York Times Book Review
praises his “folklorist’s eye for telling detail” and “ front-porch
raconteur’s sense of pace.” He’s won five Bram Stoker horror awards . .
. . . And now Joe R. Lansdale, best-selling author of Leather Maiden,
Bubba Ho-Tep, and The Bottoms, is writing TALES FROM THE CRYPT! In
issue #7’s “Moonlight Sonata,” written with Lansdale’s brother John and
drawn by Chris Noeth, a mugger thinks he's hit the jackpot when his
victim's keys open a millionaire's house; but things change when he
finds werewolves in the basement. The issue also contains “Ignoble
Rot,” by Fred Van Lente and Steve Mannion (in which a womanizing player
picks on the wrong female in New Orleans’ French Quarter) and
black-humor introductions by Jim Salicrup and Rick Parker.
TALES FROM THE CRYPT, published bi-monthly, is a 48-page full-color
revival of the classic 1950s horror comic book. Issue #7, cover-priced
at $3.95, is on sale now.
See our redesigned page on MySpace! Become a friend for regular updates
and to interact with us at
See previews and more at
“As a kid, Kyle Baker was obsessed with comic books and built a career in kids’ animation working on shows like Looney Tunes and Rugrats. Baker’s new book, NAT TURNER, is the furthest thing from kid stuff. It’s a graphic retelling of the violent 1831 slave rebellion in Virginia. Drawn in black and white and shades of grey, Baker depicts the historic revolt with a vivid, pulpy intensity. Baker tells Kurt (Andersen) how he ended up telling this story.”
Podcast, downloads, slide show, etc here:, pulpy intensity. Baker tells Kurt how he ended up telling this story.
NAT TURNER (Single Volume HC)
eye candy:
Podcast, downloads, slide show, etc here:, pulpy intensity. Baker tells Kurt how he ended up telling this story.
NAT TURNER (Single Volume HC)
eye candy:
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