Thursday, March 25, 2010

App Crusader Captures Technology Gap

Coolstreak Cartoons launches iPhone app

(March 25, 2010- Calgary, Canada) Coolstreak Cartoons Inc. announced today the launch of their comic book industry utility app available now on the iPhone called ComicBookBin. Coolstreak, a Flash animation studio, has run their comic book press site for years, and their interest in the industry has been growing behind the scenes. This new iPhone app advances the technology that affects a comic book fan’s lifestyle. Finding your nearest comic book shop is easy and can be done through the multilingual comic book store locator. Articles, news, reviews and interviews can be found by searching through the 10,000 items that the Comic Book Bin has been producing since 2002. A comic book conventions listing is also available. Numerous digital comic-related advancements have been made over the past few years but few have bridged the technology gap to update the lifestyle of the comic book f an. The application can be downloaded at the iTunes store at

“I love this industry,” explained Hervé St-Louis President of Coolstreak Cartoons. “The current market is tough. We don’t want parts of the comic book market to be left behind. This is our way of providing a bit of outreach to both consumers as well as retailers. There is no charge to participate in our basic locator service or convention listing. If we don’t have your information listed, please contact us at”

The iPhone app has a low price point of $0.99 cents to make it easy to afford. Unlike other comic book apps, ComicBookBin works outside of the United States with all features available for comic book fans all around the globe. To learn more about ComicBookBin, visit

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The Launch of the “Marschall Books” Imprint

SEATTLE, WA, Feb. 1, 2010 --- Fantagraphics Books and noted historian and critic Rick Marschall have announced the establishment of a new line of books, Marschall Books, an imprint devoted to comics, cartoons, and graphic humor.

“Marschall Books will offer a unique and wide range of comics and cartooning projects,” said Fantagraphics Books publisher Gary Groth. “The breadth and depth of Rick’s historical vision is such that he will be editing anthologies of complete strips, ‘Best Of’ collections, critical appreciations, biographies, and some new multi-media projects.”

Rick Marschall is the author or editor of more than 62 books and hundreds of magazine articles, mostly in the area of popular culture and many on comics history. A former editorial cartoonist, he has served as comics editor at three newspaper syndicates. Marschall was also an editor at Marvel Comics (founder of Epic Magazine) and a writer for Disney comics. Recipient of many awards for his projects including the Eisner, Harvey, and Friend of Fandom awards in the US; the RTL award in France; the Max und Moritz Prize in Germany; and the Torre Giunigi and Yellow Kid awards in Italy, Marschall has been the American representative of the Lucca, ExpoCartoon (Rome) and Angouleme comics festivals, and has worked for several European graphic novel publishers, including as Vice President of Dargaud USA. He was consultant to the US Postal Service for the 20-stamp set of commemoratives marking the comic strip’s centennial and has taught various popular culture and comics classes at the School of Visual Arts, Rutgers University, the Philadelphia College of Art (now University of the Arts), and the Summer Institute for the Gifted at Bryn Mawr University.

“I am happy to be associated again with Fantagraphics Books,” Marschall said. “Together we made history about comics history with the magazine nemo: the classic comics library, which ran for 30 issues. Many other projects we did together – among them the original Complete E C Segar Popeye; Caniff’s Dickie Dare; Will Gould’s Red Barry; Winsor McCay’s Daydreams and Nightmares – pioneered the reprints-and-anthology genre.” Marschall was also the editor of packager of The Complete Color Little Nemo in Slumberland (which ultimately was packaged for 11 publishers around the world, including Fantagraphics Books), The Komplete Kolor Krazy Kat, and color reprints of Polly and Her Pals and Terry and the Pirates.

Said Mr Groth: “Our association with Rick began in 1981 when he began editing the now legendary and ground-breaking magazine nemo, the most breathtaking magazine about newspaper strips and cartoon illustrations ever published, and our first Popeye series shortly thereafter. We’re thrilled that he’ll be editing books on a regular basis.”

The Marschall Books imprint will draw upon the extensive and famed collection of Rick Marschall, arguably the nation’s largest private collection of comics and cartoon archives. It is a collection comprised of thousands of original drawings; complete runs of newspaper comics beginning in 1893; complete runs of the major cartoon and humor magazines from American and Europe; comic books and reprint comics, graphic novels, political cartoons and protest graphics, specialty collections including posters, ads, toys and games, post cards and greeting cards, pinbacks; cartoonist letters and sketches; biographies and anthologies.

“The major commitment to a publishing program that will re-introduce much of this material to the public will commence in the Fall of 2010 and continue in every Fantagraphics Books publishing season, as many as 4-5 projects a year,” said Groth. “Marschall Books will vary in size and format, always appropriate to the subject matter, and with an uncompromising dedication to quality.”

In addition to the first two releases described below, and the subsequent releases in production for the next two years, Marschall Books also plans several series: Cartoon Masters, monographs on major artists; and Cartoon Masterworks, anthologies based on themes, eras, and topics. Also projected is a definitive three-volume history by Rick Marschall, Comics: The American Art.


Release Date: November 2010

While critics debate whether comics are high art, or is low art… the truth has been, is, and will be, that the comic strip was born as a commercial medium and was nurtured by competition, commerce, and advertising. Drawing Power will be the first book-length examination (and celebration) of the nexus of commerce and cartoons. It will focus on the commercial roots of strips; the cross-promotions of artists, their characters, and retail products; and of the superb artwork that cartoonists invested in their lucrative freelance work in advertising. The book will examine cartoonists as celebrities, and their advertising efforts from the first heartbeat of the comic strip as an art form. Here are surprising and familiar examples of products and memorable ad campaigns… histories of the major ad agencies... catch-words… popular examples. Cartoon ads through the years will include Yellow Kid advertising; Buster Brown Shoe campaigns; Dr Seuss’ “Flit” cartoons; WWII ads; Pepsi and Pete by Rube Goldberg; Peanuts shilling Falcons and BC shilling Mountain Dew; Duke Handy selling cigarettes; Dagwood selling atomic energy; and virtually every superhero trafficking in the mortal realm to shill every product imaginable. A special section will showcase ads that featured cartoonists themselves as hucksters; can you believe Walt (Pogo) Kelly selling cement? Includes bibliography and publication-sources. By Rick Marschall with Warren Bernard.


The Forgotten Fantasy Masterpiece of Johnny Gruelle

Release Date: February 2011

Before he created Raggedy Ann, the great Johnny Gruelle drew Mr Twee Deedle, an astonishing graphic and fantasy Sunday page. He secured the job with the New York Herald by winning an open competition for a strip to succeed Little Nemo in Slumberland! Twee Deedle was a worthy successor to McCay’s masterpiece. This Sunday color page (1911-1914) by Johnny Gruelle is unjustly forgotten by history: charming fantasy; a wonderful child’s world (the title character was a sprite who appeared to the strip’s two human children, Dickie and Dolly); moral lessons, light whimsy, bizarre surrealism; stunning artwork and composition; and impressive color work that made every full Twee Deedle page look like a painting. This oversize collection will reprint the best of Gruelle’s pages; information and artwork from the competition that won his place as Little Nemo’s successor; background information on Johnny Gruelle, including his earlier work (when he worked at George Herriman’s side) and later work (… a doll named Raggedy Ann); and much more. // John Barton Gruelle (1880-1938) drew for newspapers in Indianapolis and Cleveland before joining the pre-print syndicate World Color Printing Co of St Louis. He won a nationwide talent contest to draw a Sunday page for the New York Herald, intended to succeed Little Nemo in its pages. Mr Twee Deedle ran between 1911 and 1914 and generated two color reprint books. Subsequent to this strip, Gruelle created Raggedy Ann, whose tales and fellow characters became staples of American children’s literature. Gruelle wrote and drew many other books; full-page cartoons for Life and Judge (subjects of a future Marschall Books anthology); and another Sunday page, Brutus, for newspapers. The book will feature an introduction by the cartoonist Tony Millionaire (Maakies).

Future Marschall books will include:

Krazy Kat's Birthday Party -- A Celebration In Song and Dance

Release Date: T.B.A.

The music and movement of Krazy Kat are as characteristic as the brick and changing landscapes, and this important book will complete the circle for Kat fanciers. This book-and-disk set will deal with the multi-media lives of the kat who walks, and dances, among us. An unprecedented treatment of the legendary Krazy Kat jazz ballet and rare animated cartoons.


Of Extraordinary Interest: Sherlock Holmes' Vital Evidence

Release Date: T.B.A.

Fans of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s immortal creations will rejoice at this overflowing art book featuring faithful reproductions of original book illustrations, unpublished artwork from Doyle’s era, theatrical and movie posters, and complete runs of Sherlock Holmes comic strip and comic book versions, and parodies.


Mail Order Geniuses: The Cartoon Correspondence Schools

Release Date: T.B.A.

This glorious history-and-compilation is long overdue – filling a hole in the tracking America’s cartoon and comics heritage. Mail-Order Geniuses is a survey of the legendary correspondence courses of the Landon School, the Federal School, W L Evans, ZIM, Clare Briggs, Billy DeBeck, Russell Patterson, Jefferson Machamer, Charles Kuhn, Bill Nolan, Joe Musial, Famous Artists, etc.


Rose O’Neill – The Fairy-Tale Bohemian:

The Life and Work of a Pioneering Cartoonist

Release Date: T.B.A.

Rose O’Neill shattered glass ceilings her entire career. She was the first major female cartoonist, more than a century ago. She achieved her greatest fame as creator of the inimitable Kewpie dolls. This mature treatment of Rose O’Neill’s life and place in cultural history will be accompanied in this oversized color book with hundreds of her compelling wet-brush cartoons and full-color art, along with photos of Rose and her sculptures.


The Big Big Book of the Teenie Weenie World:

An Anthology of William Donahey’s Fantasy Cartoon

Release Date: T.B.A.

The dozens of Teenie Weenies characters were stars of a little-mentioned but fondly recalled and long-running classic of newspaper cartoons and children’s books. William Donahey was a Chicago Tribune cartoonist who created the next generation of Brownies in 1914, and the diminutive cast sought adventures and withstood trials through glades and dells into 1970. This breathtaking collection features biography, photographs, the characters’ merchandising history – and, for the first time, a major portion of full-size reproductions of the Teenie Weenies’ adventures.


Other Marschall Books in planning stages include a book-and-disk series that traces the history of animated cartoons through the various studios; Santa Claus in Cartoons; Uncle Sam in Cartoons; an annotated anthology of Pulitzer Prize winning cartoons; an anthology of artwork and prose from Dutch Treat Club annuals; an anthology of radical cartoons; annotated cartoon histories of World Wars I and II; a treasury of comic pages from Boy’s Life; biographies and anthologies of Heinrich Kley, F Opper, A B Frost, Gluyas Williams, Ralph Barton, Bill Holman, Dr Seuss, and Virgil (VIP) Partch.

It should be noted that many of the projects in the Marschall Books line are being produced with the cooperation of cartoonists and artists’ estates, as well as museums and institutions. Says Marschall, “My own archives and image bank notwithstanding, I want to assure readers of my commitment to secure the best visual material, and to uncover the fullest historical accounts I can. A lifetime of research and associations will enable Marschall Books to produce definitive treatments of every artist and title we will publish.”

Many Marschall Books releases will be supported by, or inspire, productions of Rosebud Archives, which Marschall has established with Jon Barli, and whose products will be available through Fantagraphics Books. These formats include prints, portfolios, posters, limited-edition art, framed and frame-ready works, stationery, and card sets. The mission and product offerings of Rosebud Archives can be found at:

New York - March 24, 2010 - The Doctor has regenerated into a brand-new man, but danger strikes before he can even recover, as Doctor Who returns for a new rebooted series from BAFTA-winning writer Steven Moffat (Steven Spielberg's upcoming Tintin, Jekyll, Coupling). With his time machine, the TARDIS, wrecked and the sonic screwdriver, his most crucial device destroyed, the new Doctor has just 20 minutes to save the whole world - and only Amy Pond to help him. Doctor Who premieres Saturday, April 17, 9:00p.m. ET/PT. The Doctor Who premiere episode is an extended version with limited commercial interruption.

This new era of the BAFTA-winning series, which delivered record ratings for BBC AMERICA earlier this year, continues the tradition of rebooting with new lead actors and creative team. Steven Moffat, creator of some of the most frightening and award-winning Doctor Who episodes to date - including the BAFTA-winning episode “Blink,” which starred Oscar nominee Carey Mulligan - takes over as lead writer and executive producer.

For new audiences, Steven Moffat says: “Doctor Who is the adventures of an entirely mysterious stranger from outer space. With a time and space machine that can go absolutely anywhere. It's literally a television show set in everyplace in the universe, every point in history and in every style and every genre. It's all the other shows in one. You don't have to watch the rest of television - this is it.”

The reboot series has the Doctor (Matt Smith) and his new travelling companion, the enigmatic Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), together exploring sixteenth century Venice, France during the 1890s and the United Kingdom in the far future, now an entire nation floating in space. But, the Doctor’s enemies are never far behind him including old nemeses the Daleks and Weeping Angels, plus new foes such as alien vampires, humanoid reptiles and a silent menace that follows the Doctor and Amy wherever they go.

Piers Wenger (Ashes to Ashes) and Beth Willis (Ashes to Ashes) are the executive producers and writers for the new 13 episode series include Richard Curtis (Pirate Radio, Love Actually), Toby Whithouse (Being Human, Torchwood) and Chris Chibnall (Camelot, Law & Order UK, Torchwood). Guest stars include Alex Kingston (ER, Flash Forward), BAFTA-winner James Corden (Gavin & Stacey, The History Boys), Oscar nominee Sophie Okonedo (The Secret Life of Bees, Hotel Rwanda) and Tony Curran (24).

Fans will have a chance to see the premiere early as, BBC AMERICA will present special premiere screenings of the series at WonderCon in San Francisco on April 3 and C2E2 in Chicago on April 16.

Ahead of the U.S. premiere broadcast, the BBC AMERICA Original, Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide, delivers an all-access look inside the universe of the hit drama series. It premieres Saturday, April 17, 8:00 p.m. ET/PT. For more on Doctor Who, please visit

BBC AMERICA brings audiences a new generation of award-winning television featuring news with a uniquely global perspective, provocative dramas, razor-sharp comedies, life-changing makeovers and a whole new world of nonfiction. BBC AMERICA pushes the boundaries to deliver high quality, highly addictive and eminently watchable programming to viewers who demand more. It is available on digital cable and satellite TV in more than 67 million homes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Paramount Pictures picks up the rights to EXISTENCE 2.0

Berkeley, CA - 22 March 2010 - Miles Millar and Alfred Gough -- the team behind The WB's eternally popular SMALLVILLE -- are adapting EXISTENCE 2.0 for the big screen. Michael Bay, Andrew Form, and Brad Fuller's Platinum Dunes is set to produce along with Circle of Confusion's David Alpert.

EXISTENCE 2.0 is a three-issue miniseries published by Image Comics. Written by Nick Spencer (Forgetless, Shuddertown) and drawn by Ronald Salas, the series focuses on self-absorbed physicist Sylvester Baladine. After Baladine's assassination, Baladine finds his consciousness transferred to the body of the hitman who killed him. Things don't seem so bad until the people who "killed" Baladine kidnap his daughter. Baladine is forced to dig up his past to solve his own murder, making himself a target once more.

"EXISTENCE 2.0 is a cinematic book, so translation to the screen is only natural," explains Shadowline Publisher Jim Valentino. "We're excited to see this critically acclaimed title make the leap from page to screen, and the adaptation couldn't be in better hands."

EXISTENCE 2.0 will be collected with its four-issue sequel, EXISTENCE 3.0, in trade paperback and available for sale in August 2010.

Image Comics is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded in 1992 by a collective of best-selling artists. Image has since gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the United States. Image currently has five partners: Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri and Jim Valentino. It consists of four major houses: Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline and Image Central. Image publishes comics and graphic novels in nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable. It offers science fiction, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. For more information, visit
Publishers and Creators Come to the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con!

Baltimore, Maryland - March 19, 2010 - The Baltimore Comic-Con is proud to announce our first series of guests for the 2010 convention. Major publishing houses Image Comics, Boom! Studios, and Top Cow Productions are the first announced exhibitors for our 11th annual show. In addition, we are pleased to announce the following guests: Mike and Laura Allred (Madman), Sergio Aragones (Groo), Ivan Brandon (Nemesis: The Imposters), Jim Calafiore (Secret Six), Eric Canete (New Avengers: Luke Cage), Howard Chaykin (Black Kiss), Cliff Chiang (Greendale), Frank Cho (Ultimate Comics New Ultimates), Steve Conley (Star Trek Omnibus: The Original Series), Amanda Conner (Power Girl), Dan DiDio (The Outsiders, Co-Publisher, DC Comics), Al Feldstein (MAD Magazine), Ron Garney (Wolverine: Weapon X), Michael Golden (Marvel 1602: Spider-Man), Cully Hamner (Detective Comics), Dean Haspiel (ACT-I-VATE), Geoff Johns (Blackest Night, Chief Creative Officer, DC Comics), J.G. Jones (DC Universe Legacies), Rich Koslowski (BB Wolf and the 3 LPs), Michael Lark (Spider-Man: Return of the Hunter Saga), Laura Martin (Girl Comics), Mark McKenna (Banana Tail), Terry Moore (Echo, SiP), Phil Noto (Avengers: The Origin), Ryan Ottley (Invincible), Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex), Khoi Pham (Mighty Avengers), Eric Powell (The Goon), James Robinson (Justice League of America), Stephane Roux (Zatanna), Louise Simonson (X-Factor Forever), Walter Simonson (Wednesday Comics), Jim Starlin (Dreadstar), Brian Stelfreeze (The Authority: The Lost Year), Karl Story (Zatanna), Mark Texeira (X-Men: Origins), Billy Tucci (Shi), Doug Wagner (World of Warcraft: Horde), Mark Waid (Irredeemable, Editor-in-Chief, Boom! Studios), Marv Wolfman (New Teen Titans), and John Workman (Heavy Metal).

"We're months away from show-time, and already, we've lined up some of the biggest stars of the industry. We're excited to have the presence and support of Image, Boom!, and Top Cow - we have an excellent relationship with all three publishers, and can sense the fans lining up to see them already!" said Marc Nathan, promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "We're also very proud to have Dan Didio and Geoff Johns from DC Comics joining us again this year. Both have been great friends for some time now, and they produce some of the most cutting edge comics on the market today. There are so many noteworthy guests coming to the show that represent a cross-section of the comics industry's genres, creative roles, eras, and publishing models, we think 2010 is shaping up to be one of our best yet!"

In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website (, Twitter (, Facebook (, MySpace (, and ComicSpace ( pages.

This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 28th.

Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries

About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 11th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. For more information, please visit

About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 5 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit
Second printing of CHOKER #2 already in the works

Berkeley, CA - 22 March 2010 - Artist Ben Templesmith and writer Ben McCool have done it again! Like CHOKER #1, the second issue of their critically acclaimed and popularly received CHOKER miniseries has sold out at the distribution level. Image Comics is prepping a second printing to be released alongside CHOKER #3.

"Truly, awesome sauce. I really, REALLY appreciate all the readers sticking with us onto #2,” said Templesmith. “I don't know what we've done to have the Space Squid bless us with such luck and support from both publisher and reader alike but I'd like to think it shows that people are still willing to take a punt on brand new creator owned comics and that it's worth putting the time and effort into them. It's all been incredibly rewarding.”

Added McCool, "What great news! All of our readers deserve a pint for their stellar support!"

CHOKER is a six-issue detective noir miniseries released by Image Comics. It stars Johnny "Choker" Jackson, once one of Shotgun City's most promising police officers, is a bitter private detective with a terrible case of Alien Hand Syndrome. But he's unexpectedly been offered a job back on the force, provided he can nail a twisted drug dealer selling a very exclusive product, that is...

CHOKER #2 Second Printing, a 32-page full color comic book for $3.99, will be in stores April 21, 2010, the same day as CHOKER #3 (FEB100391).

Image Comics is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded in 1992 by a collective of best-selling artists. Image has since gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the United States. Image currently has five partners: Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri and Jim Valentino. It consists of four major houses: Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline and Image Central. Image publishes comics and graphic novels in nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable. It offers science fiction, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. For more information, visit
Welcome Back to Jurassic Park
IDW partners with Universal Partnerships & Licensing to develop
all-new comics based on blockbuster property

San Diego, CA (March 23, 2010) – IDW Publishing is pleased to announce a publishing agreement with Universal Partnerships & Licensing to create an entirely new series of comics based on the always-popular Jurassic Park franchise. Launching in June, IDW’s Jurassic Park comics will bring all of the oversized action and prehistoric adventure that fans love in a brand-new story. Plus, IDW will also reprint all the original Topps Jurassic Park comics in a trade paperback collection, most of which have never before been reprinted. Fans attending WonderCon 2010, one of the country’s leading comics and pop culture conventions, held April 2nd through the 4th in San Francisco, can get a sneak peak of the new series at the IDW booth #519 and at the Jurassic Park panel on Friday.

“I’ve been a fan of Jurassic Park since we first published it at Topps back in the 90’s, and it’s exciting revisit and reinvigorate the property after all these years,” said IDW chief operating officer, Greg Goldstein. “There’s so much potential for interesting stories, and we have a great team in place to bring them to life.”

Available in both print and digital, IDW’s Jurassic Park comics kick off with a five-issue story arc, written by IDW Senior Editor and comics veteran Bob Schreck. Nate Van Dyke provides interior art, while comics’ legends Tom Yeates and Frank Miller offer their awesome and gory covers to the first issue, with Arthur Adams, Paul Pope, and Bernie Wrightson also providing variant covers for the first storyline. IDW will be giving away a Jurassic Park poster at WonderCon, featuring Frank Miller’s cover art for issue #1. Schreck, Van Dyke and Yeates will also all be on hand throughout the weekend to sign autographs.

“Having been born in the Jurassic Era myself, I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity,” Schreck commented. “I was raised on a strict diet of Willis O’Brien and Ray Harryhausen movies and adore the Jurassic Park films. I can’t begin to convey the thrill of bringing this tale to life with so many old (and new) super-talented friends and fellow dinosaur lovers.”

The first five-issue story arc in IDW’s new Jurassic Park series, Jurassic Park: Redemtion, takes up thirteen years after the very first Jurassic Park motion picture and finds John Hammond’s grandchildren, Tim and Lex Murphy, as well-to-do young adults. While Lex is working with the UN to continue keeping people off of both Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna -- her brother Tim has other ideas about how to get their grandfather’s name back in good standing.

Each issue in the arc will feature a cover by Yeates and a variant by another major artist. For issue #2, fans can expect great things from Arthur Adams, followed by Paul Pope on issue #3, Bernie Wrightson on issue #4 and the hugely popular dinosaur connoisseur Bill Stout on issue #5.

Jurassic Park: Redemption #1 (32 pages, full color, $3.99) will be available in stores in June.

Visit to sign up for updates and learn more about the company and its top-selling books.

About the Jurassic Park franchise

Since Universal Pictures and Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment first joined forces to unleash an adventure over 65 million years in the making, Jurassic Park has become the “premier” and “authentic” dinosaur brand the world over. When Jurassic Park was released in 1993, it became an instant phenomenon. In the years that followed, two additional films were released – The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III – bringing the trilogy’s worldwide box office total to more than $2 billion. The franchise continues to resonate with consumers worldwide via consumer products, popular attractions at Universal Studios Theme Parks and annual airings of the three films on a multitude of television networks.

About IDW Publishing

IDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. Renowned for its diverse catalog of licensed and independent titles, IDW publishes some of the most successful and popular titles in the industry, including: Hasbro's The Transformers and G.I. JOE, Paramount's Star Trek; Fox's Angel; the BBC's Doctor Who; and television's #1 prime time series CBS' CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. IDW is also home to the Library of American Comics imprint, which publishes classic comic reprints; YOE Books, a partnership with YOE! Studios; and is the print publisher for ComicMix.

IDW's original horror series, 30 Days of Night, was launched as a major motion picture in October 2007 by Sony Pictures and was the #1 film in its first week of release. More information about the company can be found at

About Universal Partnerships & Licensing
UP&L oversees Universal’s consumer product licensing, film and home entertainment promotions, and all corporate alliances for Universal’s theatrical, home entertainment, theme parks and stage productions. This dedicated division is also responsible for monetizing the studio’s vast library of films and characters through licensing, branding and marketing opportunities. UP&L is part of NBC Universal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news, and information to a global audience. Formed in May 2004 through the combining of NBC and Vivendi Universal Entertainment, NBC Universal owns and operates a valuable portfolio of news and entertainment networks, a premier motion picture company, significant television production operations, a leading television stations group, and world-renowned theme parks. NBC Universal is 80%-owned by General Electric, with 20% owned by Vivendi.


Revelation Delivers All New Zone, a New Tier of Powers and Hours of Heroic Content Free to All Champions Players

Champions Online Opens Unrestricted Play for 72 hours beginning March 26th

(New York, NY) March 23, 2010 – Atari Inc., one of the world’s most recognized videogame publishers, and renowned MMO developer Cryptic Studios, have today unleashed Revelation, the first full-fledged expansion for the ultimate superhero universe, Champions Online™, which originally launched in September of 2009. The Revelation expansion is available at no additional cost to current Champions Online players. Revelation will allow players to venture into the brand new zone of Vibora Bay, a mysterious city on the bayou, where they will encounter all new threats lurking around every corner. In addition, Champions Online will offer 72 hours of unrestricted playtime beginning on March 26th at 10:00am PST, ending March 29th at 10:00am PST. Fans can pre-load the game at

“Revelation represents some of the best work to date on Champions,” says Bill Roper, Executive Producer of Cryptic Studios. “The expansion features an epic storyline filled with noble heroes and terrifying villains, set in gorgeous new environments that will surely engage and entice players.”

Revelation takes us far below Vibora Bay, the sultry southern city, where an ancient magic lies. An angel, exiled from heaven and hell for his refusal to take sides during Lucifer’s first rebellion, has been hiding deep below the city. It is his primeval magic that permeates all of Vibora Bay and has drawn powerful witches, wizards, and sorcerers to the city for centuries. The ultimate resolution of this epic conflict hinges on one man, Robert Caliburn, and whoever controls Caliburn will control the war and triumph.

Key features for Revelation include:

Brand New Level 37 to 40 Content: Experience the endgame in all new ways, as friends become enemies and the picturesque Vibora Bay falls sway to the half-angel, half-demon Therakiel.
Six Bew Meta-Powers: Earn brand new Tier 4 powers.
Therakiel's Temple: Group with friends to conquer the most challenging Champions Online Lair yet!
New Enemy Groups: Battle a variety of new enemies – including five all new factions- the Sovereign Sons, Trey Kings, New Shadows, Dogz and Nephilim!
Over 30 New Perks: Dozens of new ways to achieve in Champions Online.
New Costume Pieces: Entirely new costume sets available.

Based on the award winning pen and paper role-playing game, Champions, from HERO Games, and powered by the groundbreaking Cryptic Engine, Champions Online taps into a rich universe of heroes and villains with unparalleled intrigue and adventure. Cryptic Studios, already a leading developer and publisher of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), takes the genre to new heights with Champions Online’s fast paced, “real time” action combat and the power of total customization. Through Champions’ unique character customization tool the player can create and individualize every component of their hero: name, back story, costume, powers and abilities can all be modified in countless ways. In addition to allowing players to transform into the ultimate hero, gamers can craft an enemy of the extreme opposite, concoct a villainous history for their ultimate foe and guarantee themselves a truly unique experience.


Atari group is a global creator, producer and publisher of interactive entertainment for interactive game platforms that include PC, online, consoles from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony and advanced smart phones (i.e. iPhone). Divisions of Atari, SA include Cryptic Studios, Eden Studios, Atari Interactive, Inc. and Atari, Inc.

Atari benefits from its global brand and an extensive catalogue of popular games based on classic owned game franchises (Asteroids®, Centipede®, Missile Command®, Lunar Lander®), original owned franchises (Test Drive®, Backyard Sports™, Deer Hunter®), MMO games from Cryptic Studios (Star Trek Online, Champions Online) and third party franchises (Ghostbusters®, Project Runway™, Dungeons and Dragons®).

For more information please visit

© 2010 Atari Europe SASU. All rights reserved.

Atari word mark and logo are trademarks owned by Atari Interactive, Inc.

About Cryptic Studios

Based in Los Gatos, CA, Cryptic Studios is a leading developer of massively multiplayer online games committed to delivering the next level of MMO gameplay. Cryptic develops AAA titles for PC and consoles, including Star Trek Online and Champions Online. For more information on Cryptic Studios, please visit the official website at: Cryptic word mark and logo are trademarks owned by Cryptic Studios, Inc.
@ C2E2 FRIDAY APRIL 16TH, 2010



March 22nd 2010, Los Angeles, CA - BOOM! Studios, Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs and Challenger Comics + Conversation bring you the IRREDEEMABLE 1st Birthday Party happening Friday, April 16th during C2E2.

The IRREDEEMABLE 1ST Birthday party will also see the launch of the IRREDEEMABLE Fragrance line from Black Phoenix Alchemy Labs.

The IRREDEEMABLE Fragrance line features 5ml perfume oil blends based on the people and places of IRREDEEMABLE, including the Plutonian, Bette Noir and Mr. Qubit.

Why: IRREDEEMABLE's record first year and the launch of Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's IRREDEEMABLE Fragrance line
Where: Challengers Comics + Conversation located at 1845 N. Western Ave. 2R Chicago, IL 60647 (PH: 773.278.0155 /
When: April 16th, 2010 8pm

About BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios ( is a unique publishing house specializing in high-profile projects across a wide variety of different genres from some of the industry's biggest talents, including Philip K. Dick's DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, The Henson Company's FARSCAPE, and the original Mark Waid series IRREDEEMABLE. BOOM! recently launched its youth imprint, BOOM Kids!, with Pixar's THE INCREDIBLES, CARS, and TOY STORY, as well as Disney's THE MUPPETS, DONALD DUCK, UNCLE SCROOGE and WALT DISNEY'S COMICS AND STORIES. This year, BOOM! Studios celebrates its fifth anniversary.

About Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab ( is a cult perfume house that crafts hand-blended body and household scents. They have over two decades of experience in the field, and specialize in eliciting emotional responses through perfume while creating unique scent environments that capture legends and folklore, poetry, and the stuff of dreams and nightmares
Black Phoenix has several literature-based fragrance lines, including Alice in Wonderland, and the works of Neil Gaiman, and H.P. Lovecraft. With the success of scent lines created to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and the Hero Initiative, they have found themselves in demand as a creator of fragrances based on comic properties.

About Challengers Comics + Conversation
Voted “Best Comic Book Store” by Chicago Magazine (August 2009), Challengers Comics + Conversation ( strives to prove that the best thing about being in a comic book store is being in a comic book store. With a combined 38 years of comic retail experience, owners Patrick Brower and W. Dal Bush endeavor to bring Chicago a full-service, technologically interactive comic store that has the same level of wonder and enjoyment as the comics they sell. And read. And talk about. And champion.

The Michael H. Epstein and Scott E. Schwimer Collection, Representing Tens of Thousands of Vintage And Contemporary Fine Art Pieces By The World's Most Legendary Photographers, Set To Hit The Auction Block March 26-27, 2010

Calabasas, CA - George Hurrell's iconic portrait of Jean Harlow on a white bearskin rug created for Vanity Fair magazine now spearheads the largest auction of Glamour Photography in art history. The original camera negative, as well as a custom print of this incomparable photograph is regarded as Hurrell's most important portrait and is estimated to sell for well over $20,000. The multi-million dollar Michael H. Epstein and Scott E. Schwimer collection, which contains tens of thousands of the best examples of Hollywood fine art, will be auctioned by Profiles in History March 26-27, 2010. Worldwide bidding begins at 12:00pm (noon) PST both days. Bids can be placed in person, via mail, phone, fax or live on the Internet by visiting HYPERLINK "" or HYPERLINK ""

The Michael H. Epstein and Scott E. Schwimer collection is recognized as the world's largest collection of George Hurrell and includes over 1,000 original vintage photographs as well as 500 camera negatives. Featured are dozens of the most valuable 8 x 10 camera negatives from Hurrell's career. Included is the bearskin rug portrait of Ann Sheridan as well as the negatives used for the Hurrell Portfolios together with those of Gary Cooper, Bette Davis, Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth, Veronica Lake, and Johnny Weissmuller from Tarzan, which is the most symbolic ever taken of a male subject in Hollywood.

The sequence of photographic lots include most of the heralded stars of Hollywood's golden age, including Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, Jean Harlow, and Norma Shearer. Incorporated are two custom photographs of Ramon Novarro taken in 1929 from Hurrell's first sitting with a Hollywood subject.

In addition to the Glamour photography collection, there are many significant master prints by Richard Avedon, Robert Mapplethorpe, Man Ray, Helmut Newton, Herb Ritts, Cindy Sherman, Julius Schulman, Jock Sturges, Howard Zieff and Edward Steichen. Moreover, the collection contains an incomparable assemblage of Len Prince and Mel Roberts works as well as fine art by Andy Warhol, Richard Duardo, Keith Haring, Robert Indiana, Roy Lichtenstein, Beatrice Wood and numerous others.

Epstein and Schwimer recently decided to open up their vaults and for the first time will be selling their collected photographic and fine art masterpieces to benefit many of the charitable organizations they passionately support, primarily the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center on which Epstein served as board member for 7 years.

Epstein comments, "It's time for Scott and me to share the fruits of our 25-year collection with the rest of the world. We want others to enjoy and embrace the most rewarding field of collecting with which we can ever imagine being involved." Epstein continues, "There is no better organization than Profiles in History to entrust our collection. I am certain that Scott and I will be back collecting once this auction is over."

Also included in the auction will be several hundred photographs and camera negatives from Hurrell's contemporaries in Hollywood, featuring a comprehensive sequence from Clarence Sinclair Bull, who was Hurrell's contemporary and stylistic rival at M-G-M. Included are dozens of master images from Bull's most important subject, Greta Garbo. There are dozens of rare prints of some of the most important Hollywood subjects including a Louise Brooks from 1925 before she signed with Paramount, Marlene Dietrich by Edward Steichen, and unseen prints of a luminous teenaged Marilyn Monroe.

Len Prince is one of the few master photographers utilizing the large-format 8 x 10 view camera and detailed lighting in the fashion of Hurrell, Bull and Richard Avedon during their peak years. Prince rarely uses the digital format and prefers the "old school" refinement of shadows and highlights achieved by the rigorous demands of 8 x10 view cameras; he is recognized as one of the foremost glamour photographers. Among his celebrated subjects are some of the world's most beautiful women including his most recent muse, Jessie Mann, daughter of acclaimed photographer, Sally Mann. Drew Barrymore, Kirsten Dunst, Teri Hatcher, Kelly Klein and Sarah Jessica Parker are also featured. One of the most comprehensive collections of Prince's work ever to be offered at auction, Epstein and Schwimer's personal collection includes many custom prints created for them by Len and Charlie Griffin. Prince's prints are almost all in expensive and archival permanent selenium toned papers, which produce rich deep tones.

The Harry Langdon archive includes the life work of a master photographer from the large-format fashion work of the 1960's to the present. He has photographed virtually every Hollywood celebrity from the magical Angelina Jolie at 15, to Ann-Margret, Halle Berry, Cher and Diana Ross at their most memorable. Also included, a young George Clooney, Will Smith, Rock Hudson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, all during their prime. Langdon's impeccably high standard and style is widely recognized throughout the world. Included in the sale of this vast archive covering forty years of work in black-and-white and lush color includes approximately 50,000 vintage prints, black-and-white and color negatives and transparencies, as well as full copyrights.

The complete Mel Roberts archive will be also sold intact including several thousand vintage prints with many unpublished, black and white negatives and color transparencies, as well as his personal video collection. All reproduction rights and copyrights for his name and photographs will also be part of this archive. First published in a physique magazine in the early 1960's, Roberts took over 50,000 photographs of nearly 200 male models, many of them friends and lovers. They were not the perfectly bodied men common in the physique magazines of the time but tanned in the California sun and casually posed by the pool or beach. In 2003, The New Yorker described his "witty Technicolor pictures" as "capturing all the giddy delights of being young during summertime..." Mel Roberts' photographs are included in many notable collections in Hollywood.

About Profiles in History:

Founded in 1985 by Joseph Maddalena, Profiles in History is the nation's leading dealer in guaranteed-authentic original historical autographs, letters, documents, vintage signed photographs and manuscripts. Profiles in History has held some of the most prestigious and successful auctions of Hollywood memorabilia. Their auctions include costumes, props and set pieces from both vintage and contemporary film, television, and rock 'n roll. Profiles in History's location in Calabasas Hills, CA- virtually a stone's throw away from every major Hollywood studio - ensures a constant flow of fantastic and rare collectibles. With an extensive network of dealers, collectors, and institutions, they are proud to play an important role in the preservation of motion picture history.

Prior Profiles in History Hollywood auctions highlights include the "Cowardly Lion" costume from The Wizard of Oz ($805,000); a full-scale model T-800 Endoskeleton from Terminator 2: Judgment Day ($488,750); a King Kong six-sheet movie poster ($345,000); the Command Chair from the "U.S.S. Enterprise" ($304,750); the original "Robot" from Lost in Space ($264,500); Luke Skywalker's lightsaber ($240,000), the Black Beauty car from The Green Hornet ($192,000); George Reeves' Superman costume from The Adventures of Superman ($126,500); the H.R. Giger designed Alien creature suit from Alien ($126,500); a full-scale T-Rex head from Jurassic Park ($126,500), the Leaping Alien Warrior figure from Aliens ($126,500), Christopher Reeve's 'Superman' costume from Superman: The Movie ($115,000), C-3PO's helmet ($120,000), The Wizard of Oz 'Winkie' Guard Costume ($115,000); a "Ming the Merciless" cape from Flash Gordon ($115,000) and the Hydraulic screen-used Velociraptor from The Lost World: Jurassic Park II ($115,000).