Ink Pen Mutations Celebrates Website Revamp with Memorial Day Sale!
(May 26, 2011- Los Angeles CA) Ink Pen Mutations announced today that in celebration for huge website redo they are launching a huge Memorials day sale. From May 28th to May 31st everything on their website will be 30% off. All of their illustrated fiction hits including Zombie Cadence to Mother's Urn are included in the sale. Click on the preview links to Sick and Fragile Bodies to get a sneak peek at books coming this July!
“I wanted the website to be more user friendly and inviting,” explained Ave Rose creator of Ink Pen Mutations. “Our subject matter runs a huge gamut from Apocalypse Nair to women's issues. We needed to make sure that our website reflected the scope of the line”.
Other ways to check out products from Ink Pen Mutations:
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Retailers should contact for terms.
About Ink Pen Mutations: In 2005, founder of Ink Pen Mutations Ave Rose searched for an outlet that reflected her unique, no holds barred vision and found the world lacking and thus Ink Pen was born. Her business model was to partner with the best unconventional West Coast artists to create products that brought new ideas to established genres, formats and themes. In 2008, a permanent installation in the renowned Hive Gallery in Los Angeles was secured to give all Ink Pen artists a place to display their work. Primarily a West Coast business, Ink Pen is making the moves to go nationwide and put their avant-garde creations to the mainstream. Ink Pen Mutations:-Your underground storybook generator.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Baltimore Comic-Con Announces Stan "The Man" Lee as Guest of Honor!
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - May 26, 2011 - The Baltimore Comic-Con is proud to officially announce that Stan "The Man" Lee will be the Guest of Honor at this year's convention. The show will be taking place at the Baltimore Convention Center the weekend of August 20-21, 2011.
Stan Lee picture
Known the world over as the architect of the Marvel Universe, Lee -- along with Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko -- co-created some of the most iconic characters of the Silver Age, including the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, the Avengers, X-Men, the Incredible Hulk, Thor, Daredevil, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange.
Lee began his career in comics in 1939 at the age of 16, working for Martin Goodman at Timely Comics. He made his writing debut in 1941 with a text filler story in Captain America Comics #3 and wrote his first back-up story for that title two issues later. Lee continued to write for the publisher and, at the age of 19, was installed as interim editor. With a head for business and an eye for comics, Lee graduated to become editor-in-chief and art director of the comics division.
Throughout his illustrious career, which has spanned more than 70 years, Lee has been a writer, editor, publisher, President, and Chairman at Marvel Comics. He's made cameo appearances in 14 films based on his creations and had a supporting role in Kevin Smith's 1995 film, Mallrats.
In 2010, Lee teamed up with Boom! Studios to create three original superheroes titles -- Soldier Zero, Starborn, and The Traveler -- for the publisher, and in January of 2011, he worked with the National Hockey League (NHL) on the Guardian Project, creating a "Guardian" character based on the team mascot for each of the 30 cities with NHL franchises.
"There is no bigger star in all of comics. This will thrill all comics fans on the East Coast," said Marc Nathan, show promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "Personally, I am so excited, I can't wait!"
Lee will be appearing at the Baltimore Comic-Con on both Saturday and Sunday, as well as attending the banquet for the Harvey Awards on Saturday evening. Details regarding ticket pricing for signings and VIP packages will be released over the next few weeks. To receive the latest information about Stan Lee and all of the Baltimore Comic-Con news, sign up for our mailing list at!
In addition to Guest of Honor Stan Lee, other confirmed guests for the show include: Jason Aaron (Scalped, PunisherMAX); Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead); Nick Cardy (Aquaman, Teen Titans); Cliff Chiang (Greendale); Frank Cho (50 Girl 50, X-Men: Schism, New Ultimates); Todd Dezago (Super Hero Squad, The Perhapanauts); David Finch (Brightest Day, Batman: The Dark Knight); Ron Frenz (Spider-Girl); Jose-Luis Garcia-Lopez (Wednesday Comics, Batman Confidential); Michael Golden (creator of Bucky O'Hare); Mike Grell (Action Comics, The Pilgrim); Brad Guigar (Evil, Inc., Courting Disaster); Steve Hamaker (Bone); Cully Hamner (Red, Red: Eyes Only); Dean Haspiel (The Alcoholic, Act-i-Vate); Jamal Igle (Supergirl, Zatanna); J.G. Jones (Doc Savage, DC Universe Legacies); Barry Kitson (Secret Invasion, Amazing Spider-Man); Laura Martin (New Avengers, Thor); Mark Morales (Fear Itself cover artist); Kevin Nowlan (Wednesday Comics); David Petersen (Mouse Guard); Brandon Peterson (Ultimate Vision, Strange); Craig Rousseau (Marvel Her-Oes); Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo); Walter Simonson (Thor); Jeff Smith (Bone, RASL); Nick Spencer (Morning Glories, Iron Man 2.0); Brian Stelfreeze (Wednesday Comics); Karl Story (DC Universe Legacies); Tim Truman (Conan the Cimmerian); Neil Vokes (Flesh & Blood, Eagle: The Original Adventures); and Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).
In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace pages.
This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 21st.
Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries
About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 12th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. For more information, please visit
About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 6 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - May 26, 2011 - The Baltimore Comic-Con is proud to officially announce that Stan "The Man" Lee will be the Guest of Honor at this year's convention. The show will be taking place at the Baltimore Convention Center the weekend of August 20-21, 2011.
Stan Lee picture
Known the world over as the architect of the Marvel Universe, Lee -- along with Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko -- co-created some of the most iconic characters of the Silver Age, including the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, the Avengers, X-Men, the Incredible Hulk, Thor, Daredevil, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange.
Lee began his career in comics in 1939 at the age of 16, working for Martin Goodman at Timely Comics. He made his writing debut in 1941 with a text filler story in Captain America Comics #3 and wrote his first back-up story for that title two issues later. Lee continued to write for the publisher and, at the age of 19, was installed as interim editor. With a head for business and an eye for comics, Lee graduated to become editor-in-chief and art director of the comics division.
Throughout his illustrious career, which has spanned more than 70 years, Lee has been a writer, editor, publisher, President, and Chairman at Marvel Comics. He's made cameo appearances in 14 films based on his creations and had a supporting role in Kevin Smith's 1995 film, Mallrats.
In 2010, Lee teamed up with Boom! Studios to create three original superheroes titles -- Soldier Zero, Starborn, and The Traveler -- for the publisher, and in January of 2011, he worked with the National Hockey League (NHL) on the Guardian Project, creating a "Guardian" character based on the team mascot for each of the 30 cities with NHL franchises.
"There is no bigger star in all of comics. This will thrill all comics fans on the East Coast," said Marc Nathan, show promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "Personally, I am so excited, I can't wait!"
Lee will be appearing at the Baltimore Comic-Con on both Saturday and Sunday, as well as attending the banquet for the Harvey Awards on Saturday evening. Details regarding ticket pricing for signings and VIP packages will be released over the next few weeks. To receive the latest information about Stan Lee and all of the Baltimore Comic-Con news, sign up for our mailing list at!
In addition to Guest of Honor Stan Lee, other confirmed guests for the show include: Jason Aaron (Scalped, PunisherMAX); Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead); Nick Cardy (Aquaman, Teen Titans); Cliff Chiang (Greendale); Frank Cho (50 Girl 50, X-Men: Schism, New Ultimates); Todd Dezago (Super Hero Squad, The Perhapanauts); David Finch (Brightest Day, Batman: The Dark Knight); Ron Frenz (Spider-Girl); Jose-Luis Garcia-Lopez (Wednesday Comics, Batman Confidential); Michael Golden (creator of Bucky O'Hare); Mike Grell (Action Comics, The Pilgrim); Brad Guigar (Evil, Inc., Courting Disaster); Steve Hamaker (Bone); Cully Hamner (Red, Red: Eyes Only); Dean Haspiel (The Alcoholic, Act-i-Vate); Jamal Igle (Supergirl, Zatanna); J.G. Jones (Doc Savage, DC Universe Legacies); Barry Kitson (Secret Invasion, Amazing Spider-Man); Laura Martin (New Avengers, Thor); Mark Morales (Fear Itself cover artist); Kevin Nowlan (Wednesday Comics); David Petersen (Mouse Guard); Brandon Peterson (Ultimate Vision, Strange); Craig Rousseau (Marvel Her-Oes); Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo); Walter Simonson (Thor); Jeff Smith (Bone, RASL); Nick Spencer (Morning Glories, Iron Man 2.0); Brian Stelfreeze (Wednesday Comics); Karl Story (DC Universe Legacies); Tim Truman (Conan the Cimmerian); Neil Vokes (Flesh & Blood, Eagle: The Original Adventures); and Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).
In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace pages.
This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 21st.
Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries
About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 12th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. For more information, please visit
About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 6 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Digital Audience Invited to Edit Final Cut of New Indie Pic THE POWER OF FEW with Ground-Breaking Online Contest
Upcoming Crime Mystery Stars Christopher Walken, Christian Slater, and Q´orianka Kilcher
(Los Angeles, CA) May 18, 2011 – Director/writer Leone Marucci and star Q’orianka Kilcher (Terrence Malick's The New World) are inviting online audiences to determine the final cut of their new film, THE POWER OF FEW, with a ground-breaking digital editing contest, ‘Scene 64.’ Using raw film footage and editing tools on the film’s official, participants will have the opportunity to cut a scene from the film. One of the favorites, as voted by fans, will be used in the finished film and the winner will receive a screen credit.
‘Scene 64’ features Kilcher and co-star Jesse Bradford (Bring It On, Flags of Our Fathers), in an action sequence shot on location in New Orleans. The pair co-star with an ensemble cast including Christopher Walken (Catch Me If You Can, Wedding Crashers) and Christian Slater (True Romance, Very Bad Things) in the crime mystery. THE POWER OF FEW revolves around an enigmatic smuggling ring’s efforts to steal a priceless artifact. The story unfolds through the unique perspective of five characters who cross paths on a day filled with danger, hope and possible transformation.
Marucci and Kilcher are continuing the exploration of perspectives by welcoming users to the film’s official where they can download pages of Maurcci’s script; access a video library containing all footage shot on location; and edit the scene as they envision it. Entrants will also have access to audio tracks from the film’s score by Grammy-winning Mike Simpson, whose composing credits include the film soundtracks of Fight Cluband Zoolander and acclaimed work as co-writer/producer on the Beastie Boys’ “Paul’s Boutique” album.
First-time producer and star Q’orianka Kilcher commented, “We’re doing something that’s never been done before: we’re creating a direct connection between a passionate global audience and Hollywood, with an Internet connection being the only requirement. I love the idea of empowering people from around the world with this direct involvement.”
May 18 – ‘Scene 64’ editing tools live on
June 21 – First day to publish final cut in the Scene Gallery. Voting begins for the top fan favorite
July 21 – Voting closes. One of top 30 edits with the most votes will be included in the final cut of THE POWER OF FEW
July 28 – Winner announced
Director Leone Marucci said, "From performance to design to direction, filmmaking in its purest form is a collaborative process. In the spirit of a story being told from multiple perspectives, it's been our goal to create an interactive experience where we open up the creation of the film to the worldwide audience."
THE POWER OF FEW producers continue their embrace of the collaborative filmmaking process with ‘Scene 64.’ During the casting process, first-time actress Stephanie Meilaq won the part of “Carmen,” by a vote hosted on the film’s website. The audience had direct control over the make-up department after the filmmakers asked for body location of tattoos to be sported by “Junkshow,” the key character played by Anthony Anderson (Transformers, The Departed), who's character's name was also picked by fans.
The ensemble cast includes Moon Bloodgood (Terminator Salvation), Nicky Whelan (Hall Pass), Devon Gearhart (Changeling), Jordan Prentice (In Bruges), Navid Negahban (Fox’s “24”) and multi-platinum selling rap artist Juvenile.
The film was written, directed and produced by Leone Marucci under his Steelyard Pictures banner; produced by Q’orianka Kilcher’s iQ Films; Exec Produced by Todd Trosclair, Roy Kurtluyan, Whitney Kroenke; Produced by Jimmy Holcomb, Jay Thames, Roy Scott Macfarland, Fred D'Amico. Arclight Films is handling international sales.
Headed by Leone Marucci, Steelyard Pictures develops and produces feature films and other original experiences across all media platforms.
Q'orianka Kilcher's iQ-Films produces feature films and cause driven documentaries and youth-programming projects which inspire, empower and challenge.
Upcoming Crime Mystery Stars Christopher Walken, Christian Slater, and Q´orianka Kilcher
(Los Angeles, CA) May 18, 2011 – Director/writer Leone Marucci and star Q’orianka Kilcher (Terrence Malick's The New World) are inviting online audiences to determine the final cut of their new film, THE POWER OF FEW, with a ground-breaking digital editing contest, ‘Scene 64.’ Using raw film footage and editing tools on the film’s official, participants will have the opportunity to cut a scene from the film. One of the favorites, as voted by fans, will be used in the finished film and the winner will receive a screen credit.
‘Scene 64’ features Kilcher and co-star Jesse Bradford (Bring It On, Flags of Our Fathers), in an action sequence shot on location in New Orleans. The pair co-star with an ensemble cast including Christopher Walken (Catch Me If You Can, Wedding Crashers) and Christian Slater (True Romance, Very Bad Things) in the crime mystery. THE POWER OF FEW revolves around an enigmatic smuggling ring’s efforts to steal a priceless artifact. The story unfolds through the unique perspective of five characters who cross paths on a day filled with danger, hope and possible transformation.
Marucci and Kilcher are continuing the exploration of perspectives by welcoming users to the film’s official where they can download pages of Maurcci’s script; access a video library containing all footage shot on location; and edit the scene as they envision it. Entrants will also have access to audio tracks from the film’s score by Grammy-winning Mike Simpson, whose composing credits include the film soundtracks of Fight Cluband Zoolander and acclaimed work as co-writer/producer on the Beastie Boys’ “Paul’s Boutique” album.
First-time producer and star Q’orianka Kilcher commented, “We’re doing something that’s never been done before: we’re creating a direct connection between a passionate global audience and Hollywood, with an Internet connection being the only requirement. I love the idea of empowering people from around the world with this direct involvement.”
May 18 – ‘Scene 64’ editing tools live on
June 21 – First day to publish final cut in the Scene Gallery. Voting begins for the top fan favorite
July 21 – Voting closes. One of top 30 edits with the most votes will be included in the final cut of THE POWER OF FEW
July 28 – Winner announced
Director Leone Marucci said, "From performance to design to direction, filmmaking in its purest form is a collaborative process. In the spirit of a story being told from multiple perspectives, it's been our goal to create an interactive experience where we open up the creation of the film to the worldwide audience."
THE POWER OF FEW producers continue their embrace of the collaborative filmmaking process with ‘Scene 64.’ During the casting process, first-time actress Stephanie Meilaq won the part of “Carmen,” by a vote hosted on the film’s website. The audience had direct control over the make-up department after the filmmakers asked for body location of tattoos to be sported by “Junkshow,” the key character played by Anthony Anderson (Transformers, The Departed), who's character's name was also picked by fans.
The ensemble cast includes Moon Bloodgood (Terminator Salvation), Nicky Whelan (Hall Pass), Devon Gearhart (Changeling), Jordan Prentice (In Bruges), Navid Negahban (Fox’s “24”) and multi-platinum selling rap artist Juvenile.
The film was written, directed and produced by Leone Marucci under his Steelyard Pictures banner; produced by Q’orianka Kilcher’s iQ Films; Exec Produced by Todd Trosclair, Roy Kurtluyan, Whitney Kroenke; Produced by Jimmy Holcomb, Jay Thames, Roy Scott Macfarland, Fred D'Amico. Arclight Films is handling international sales.
Headed by Leone Marucci, Steelyard Pictures develops and produces feature films and other original experiences across all media platforms.
Q'orianka Kilcher's iQ-Films produces feature films and cause driven documentaries and youth-programming projects which inspire, empower and challenge.
Fantagraphics Books has signed a deal to release two groundbreaking graphic novels from cult Belgian artist Guy Peellaert (1934-2008): The Adventures of Jodelle (1966) and Pravda (1967). The remastered editions will be produced in collaboration with the late artist’s estate, which will contribute previously unseen material for extensive archival supplements.
Both albums were originally released in France by Eric Losfeld, the controversial publisher who passionately defied censorship in the lead-up to the cultural revolution of 1968; along with Jean-Claude Forest’s Barbarella, Peellaert’s Jodelle and Pravda were among the earliest of European adult-oriented graphic novels.
The Adventures of Jodelle, whose voluptuous title heroine was modeled after French teen idol Sylvie Vartan, is a satirical spy story set in a Space Age Roman-Empire fantasy world. Its then-revolutionary clashing of high and low culture references, borrowing as much from Renaissance painting as from a fetishized American consumer culture, marked the advent of the Pop movement within the nascent “9th art” of comic books, not yet dignified as “graphic novels” but already a source of great influence in avant-garde artistic circles. Visually, Jodelle was a major aesthetic shock. According to New York magazine, its “lusciously designed, flat color patterns and dizzy forced perspective reminiscent of Matisse and Japanese prints set a new record in comic-strip sophistication.”
Released a year later and first serialized in the French counter-culture bible Hara-Kiri, Pravda follows the surreal travels of an all-female motorcycle gang across a mythical American landscape, led by a mesmerizing cold-blooded heroine whose hyper-sexualized elastic anatomy was this time inspired by quintessential Gallic chanteuse Françoise Hardy. Pravda’s eye-popping graphics pushed the psychedelic edge of Jodelle to dazzling new heights, further liberating the story from narrative conventions to focus the reader’s attention on the stunning composition and glaring acid colors of the strips, with each frame functioning as a stand-alone cinematic picture.
Pravda, with its themes of female empowerment and beauty emerging from chaos, became an instant sensation on the European underground scene, inspiring various tributes and appropriations from the worlds of film, literature, fashion, music, live arts, advertising or graphic design. Over the years, it has acquired a rarefied status as a unique and timeless piece of Pop Art defying categorization or trends, and has found itself exhibited in such unlikely “high culture” institutions as the Musée d’Orsay or the Centre Pompidou. An early admirer of Peellaert’s radical vision—along with luminaries as diverse as Jean-Luc Godard (who optioned the film rights to Pravda) and Mick Jagger—Frederico Fellini praised Jodelle and Pravda as “the literature of intelligence, imagination and romanticism.”
The Adventures of Jodelle was published in the United States in 1967 by Grove Press, whose legendary editor-in-chief Richard Seaver (the man credited with introducing Samuel Beckett, William Burroughs and Henry Miller to America) also provided the translation; Pravda has never been released in English, despite its lead character transcending the long out-of-print book where she originated to become a peculiar iconic figure, the maverick muse of a few “au courant” art and design aficionados from Paris to Tokyo.
Refusing to cash in on the phenomenal success of Jodelle and Pravda (he viewed the former as a one-time graphic “experiment” of which the latter marked the accomplishment) the reclusive Peellaert abruptly left cartoons behind after only two albums at the dawn of the 1970s to pursue an obsessive kind of image-making which painstakingly combined photography, airbrush painting and collage in the pre-computer age. His best-known achievement in America remains the seminal 1973 book Rock Dreams, a collection of portraits which resulted from this distinctive technique and was hailed as “the Sistine Chapel of the Seventies” by Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine, eventually selling over a million copies worldwide, influencing a generation of photographers and earning its place in the pantheon of rock culture. Other well-known creations include the iconic artwork for David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs album cover (1974) as well as The Rolling Stones’ It’s Only Rock ‘N’ Roll the same year. Peellaert also created the indelible original poster for Martin Scorcese’s Taxi Driver (1978), the first of many commissions from renowned auteurs including Wim Wenders, Robert Altman, Stephen Frears, Alain Resnais and Robert Bresson.
As the original negatives and color separations for Jodelle and Pravda are long lost (interestingly, Peellaert never reclaimed the original ink-on-paper pages from Losfeld) Fantagraphics will be re-coloring both books digitally. “The original Books were colored via hand-cut separations from Peellaert’s detailed color indications,” said Fantagraphics co-publisher Kim Thompson, who will be editing and translating the new editions. “Since the Losfeld editions were printed quite well and Peellaert’s linework is thick and simple, we’re going to be able to generate crisp black-and-white versions of the line art to start from which should duplicate the original ‘look’ exactly. Although actually our edition of Pravda should be better than the original, which had some pretty erratic color registration.”
The Adventures of Jodelle is scheduled for release in May 2012, and Pravda in November 2012, both in deluxe oversized hardcover editions. Each will feature an extensive original essay discussing the works and their historical context, accompanied by numerous archival illustrations and photographs.
“I am terrifically excited to bring these two landmark books to American audiences especially Pravda, which has never been published in English,” said Thompson. “They are some of the most graphically jaw-dropping comics ever put to paper. They remain both quintessentially 1960s in attitude and look, and utterly timeless.”
Fantagraphics Books has signed a deal to release two groundbreaking graphic novels from cult Belgian artist Guy Peellaert (1934-2008): The Adventures of Jodelle (1966) and Pravda (1967). The remastered editions will be produced in collaboration with the late artist’s estate, which will contribute previously unseen material for extensive archival supplements.
Both albums were originally released in France by Eric Losfeld, the controversial publisher who passionately defied censorship in the lead-up to the cultural revolution of 1968; along with Jean-Claude Forest’s Barbarella, Peellaert’s Jodelle and Pravda were among the earliest of European adult-oriented graphic novels.
The Adventures of Jodelle, whose voluptuous title heroine was modeled after French teen idol Sylvie Vartan, is a satirical spy story set in a Space Age Roman-Empire fantasy world. Its then-revolutionary clashing of high and low culture references, borrowing as much from Renaissance painting as from a fetishized American consumer culture, marked the advent of the Pop movement within the nascent “9th art” of comic books, not yet dignified as “graphic novels” but already a source of great influence in avant-garde artistic circles. Visually, Jodelle was a major aesthetic shock. According to New York magazine, its “lusciously designed, flat color patterns and dizzy forced perspective reminiscent of Matisse and Japanese prints set a new record in comic-strip sophistication.”
Released a year later and first serialized in the French counter-culture bible Hara-Kiri, Pravda follows the surreal travels of an all-female motorcycle gang across a mythical American landscape, led by a mesmerizing cold-blooded heroine whose hyper-sexualized elastic anatomy was this time inspired by quintessential Gallic chanteuse Françoise Hardy. Pravda’s eye-popping graphics pushed the psychedelic edge of Jodelle to dazzling new heights, further liberating the story from narrative conventions to focus the reader’s attention on the stunning composition and glaring acid colors of the strips, with each frame functioning as a stand-alone cinematic picture.
Pravda, with its themes of female empowerment and beauty emerging from chaos, became an instant sensation on the European underground scene, inspiring various tributes and appropriations from the worlds of film, literature, fashion, music, live arts, advertising or graphic design. Over the years, it has acquired a rarefied status as a unique and timeless piece of Pop Art defying categorization or trends, and has found itself exhibited in such unlikely “high culture” institutions as the Musée d’Orsay or the Centre Pompidou. An early admirer of Peellaert’s radical vision—along with luminaries as diverse as Jean-Luc Godard (who optioned the film rights to Pravda) and Mick Jagger—Frederico Fellini praised Jodelle and Pravda as “the literature of intelligence, imagination and romanticism.”
The Adventures of Jodelle was published in the United States in 1967 by Grove Press, whose legendary editor-in-chief Richard Seaver (the man credited with introducing Samuel Beckett, William Burroughs and Henry Miller to America) also provided the translation; Pravda has never been released in English, despite its lead character transcending the long out-of-print book where she originated to become a peculiar iconic figure, the maverick muse of a few “au courant” art and design aficionados from Paris to Tokyo.
Refusing to cash in on the phenomenal success of Jodelle and Pravda (he viewed the former as a one-time graphic “experiment” of which the latter marked the accomplishment) the reclusive Peellaert abruptly left cartoons behind after only two albums at the dawn of the 1970s to pursue an obsessive kind of image-making which painstakingly combined photography, airbrush painting and collage in the pre-computer age. His best-known achievement in America remains the seminal 1973 book Rock Dreams, a collection of portraits which resulted from this distinctive technique and was hailed as “the Sistine Chapel of the Seventies” by Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine, eventually selling over a million copies worldwide, influencing a generation of photographers and earning its place in the pantheon of rock culture. Other well-known creations include the iconic artwork for David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs album cover (1974) as well as The Rolling Stones’ It’s Only Rock ‘N’ Roll the same year. Peellaert also created the indelible original poster for Martin Scorcese’s Taxi Driver (1978), the first of many commissions from renowned auteurs including Wim Wenders, Robert Altman, Stephen Frears, Alain Resnais and Robert Bresson.
As the original negatives and color separations for Jodelle and Pravda are long lost (interestingly, Peellaert never reclaimed the original ink-on-paper pages from Losfeld) Fantagraphics will be re-coloring both books digitally. “The original Books were colored via hand-cut separations from Peellaert’s detailed color indications,” said Fantagraphics co-publisher Kim Thompson, who will be editing and translating the new editions. “Since the Losfeld editions were printed quite well and Peellaert’s linework is thick and simple, we’re going to be able to generate crisp black-and-white versions of the line art to start from which should duplicate the original ‘look’ exactly. Although actually our edition of Pravda should be better than the original, which had some pretty erratic color registration.”
The Adventures of Jodelle is scheduled for release in May 2012, and Pravda in November 2012, both in deluxe oversized hardcover editions. Each will feature an extensive original essay discussing the works and their historical context, accompanied by numerous archival illustrations and photographs.
“I am terrifically excited to bring these two landmark books to American audiences especially Pravda, which has never been published in English,” said Thompson. “They are some of the most graphically jaw-dropping comics ever put to paper. They remain both quintessentially 1960s in attitude and look, and utterly timeless.”
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Birmingham, AL (May 26, 2011)
ICE #2 (of 4)
Writer: Doug Wagner
Artist: Jose Holder
Cover Artist: Brian Stelfreeze
Colors: Michael Wiggam
Following a string of brutal drug-runner murders in the States, the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency’s top tactical team is in hot pursuit of the killer. As they close in on the suspect (drug-kingpin Luis Morales), chaos erupts on the streets in a jumble of bullets and explosions! As the battle rages, Morales attempts to escape and ICE agent Cole Matai is forced to leave his team and pursue the ruthless killer on foot. Cole corners Morales and gets the upper hand--- but makes a critical decision that will end up haunting him forever.
12-Gauge Comics is known for high-octane action, and ICE is taking that reputation to a new level! Don’t miss the next installment of this summer’s hottest new series!
LOOSE ENDS #2 (of 4)
Writer: Jason Latour
Art and Cover: Chris Brunner
Colors: Rico Renzi
$3.99 (please note size: 7 - ¼” x 11”)
In the wake of the worst night of their lives, Sonny and Cheri are ‘wanted’ and on the run. Vicious drug cartels and crooked cops lie in wait on the road before them, but tonight it's the past that looms largest in the rear view mirror-- a past filled with betrayal, conspiracy, promise rings and varsity jackets. Tonight, no matter how fast they drive, they can't escape the mistakes of their youth.
LOOSE ENDS is a gritty, slow cooked, "southern crime romance", that follows a winding trail down Tobacco Road, through the war torn streets of Baghdad, and into the bright lights and bloody gutters of South Florida...12-Gauge style.
About the Publisher
12-Gauge Comics was founded by Keven Gardner in 2004 and currently publishes some of the most successful and critically acclaimed independent comic books in the marketplace today. 12-Gauge members Jason Pearson, Brian Stelfreeze, Cully Hamner, and Doug Wagner are creating new and innovative multi-media concepts for the company, including Pearson’s run-away hit BODY BAGS and THE RIDE, which debuted as the top-selling black and white comic of the year in 2004. After solidifying its position as a force to be reckoned with by packaging THE O.C.T. (Occult Crimes Taskforce), an original comic book concept co-created and starring actress ROSARIO DAWSON. THE O.C.T. has been featured on “The Today Show,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” “Access Hollywood,” and many other media outlets.
In 2009 12-Gauge began to firmly solidify its unique identity by publishing under its own banner (prior titles were through Image Comics), starting with the company's first licensed property, THE BOONDOCK SAINTS: The Comic Series -- which made a major splash. With all new stories by series creator/director TROY DUFFY, the comics have been selling-out and exposing the 12-Gauge brand to an all-new audience. 12-Gauge then moved into the untapped market of country music with superstar recording artist TRACE ADKINS. In LUKE MC BAIN, Adkins lends his likeness to a hard-as-nails character in an adventure story of revenge and redemption. Trace went on a wide publicity tour for the comics; highlights being a guest appearance on “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson” and a feature story in “USA Today”. 2010 closed strong with the release of 25 TO LIFE, a limited series that pushed the boundaries of the traditional law enforcement procedural.
2011 looks equally promising; the recently launched high-concept series MAGUS is rewriting the world of magic as we know it. R.P.M., from NYT #1 Bestselling author MICK FOLEY, is a crossover hit, and the just announced action-franchise I.C.E. is generating strong buzz in the industry. Other 2011 titles include the zombie-noir themed DEADTOWN and the gritty crime drama LOOSE ENDS. For more information, please visit or email
Birmingham, AL (May 26, 2011)
ICE #2 (of 4)
Writer: Doug Wagner
Artist: Jose Holder
Cover Artist: Brian Stelfreeze
Colors: Michael Wiggam
Following a string of brutal drug-runner murders in the States, the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency’s top tactical team is in hot pursuit of the killer. As they close in on the suspect (drug-kingpin Luis Morales), chaos erupts on the streets in a jumble of bullets and explosions! As the battle rages, Morales attempts to escape and ICE agent Cole Matai is forced to leave his team and pursue the ruthless killer on foot. Cole corners Morales and gets the upper hand--- but makes a critical decision that will end up haunting him forever.
12-Gauge Comics is known for high-octane action, and ICE is taking that reputation to a new level! Don’t miss the next installment of this summer’s hottest new series!
LOOSE ENDS #2 (of 4)
Writer: Jason Latour
Art and Cover: Chris Brunner
Colors: Rico Renzi
$3.99 (please note size: 7 - ¼” x 11”)
In the wake of the worst night of their lives, Sonny and Cheri are ‘wanted’ and on the run. Vicious drug cartels and crooked cops lie in wait on the road before them, but tonight it's the past that looms largest in the rear view mirror-- a past filled with betrayal, conspiracy, promise rings and varsity jackets. Tonight, no matter how fast they drive, they can't escape the mistakes of their youth.
LOOSE ENDS is a gritty, slow cooked, "southern crime romance", that follows a winding trail down Tobacco Road, through the war torn streets of Baghdad, and into the bright lights and bloody gutters of South Florida...12-Gauge style.
About the Publisher
12-Gauge Comics was founded by Keven Gardner in 2004 and currently publishes some of the most successful and critically acclaimed independent comic books in the marketplace today. 12-Gauge members Jason Pearson, Brian Stelfreeze, Cully Hamner, and Doug Wagner are creating new and innovative multi-media concepts for the company, including Pearson’s run-away hit BODY BAGS and THE RIDE, which debuted as the top-selling black and white comic of the year in 2004. After solidifying its position as a force to be reckoned with by packaging THE O.C.T. (Occult Crimes Taskforce), an original comic book concept co-created and starring actress ROSARIO DAWSON. THE O.C.T. has been featured on “The Today Show,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” “Access Hollywood,” and many other media outlets.
In 2009 12-Gauge began to firmly solidify its unique identity by publishing under its own banner (prior titles were through Image Comics), starting with the company's first licensed property, THE BOONDOCK SAINTS: The Comic Series -- which made a major splash. With all new stories by series creator/director TROY DUFFY, the comics have been selling-out and exposing the 12-Gauge brand to an all-new audience. 12-Gauge then moved into the untapped market of country music with superstar recording artist TRACE ADKINS. In LUKE MC BAIN, Adkins lends his likeness to a hard-as-nails character in an adventure story of revenge and redemption. Trace went on a wide publicity tour for the comics; highlights being a guest appearance on “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson” and a feature story in “USA Today”. 2010 closed strong with the release of 25 TO LIFE, a limited series that pushed the boundaries of the traditional law enforcement procedural.
2011 looks equally promising; the recently launched high-concept series MAGUS is rewriting the world of magic as we know it. R.P.M., from NYT #1 Bestselling author MICK FOLEY, is a crossover hit, and the just announced action-franchise I.C.E. is generating strong buzz in the industry. Other 2011 titles include the zombie-noir themed DEADTOWN and the gritty crime drama LOOSE ENDS. For more information, please visit or email
San Diego Live Painter Sean Dietrich Takes His New Kid's Book on a 10,000 Mile U.S. Tour.
After 900 live art shows in Southern California over 11 years, Sean Dietrich hops in his car to drive his unique live painting, and a new kid's book 'The Fruits of Our Labor', to the rest of the country on a six month tour to promote creative living, and arts awareness.
May 25, 2011, San Diego, CA – In the age of the internet when most artists rely on online sales to promote, or a rare decent paying, steady gig at a big company to pay the bills, Sean Dietrich is going against the grain with a six month, 10,000 mile U.S. Live Art Tour starting Aug 1st to promote several new books, including a brand new kid's book 'The Fruits of Our Labor', and introduce thousands of new people to his own special brand of live art. With all the art programs being ripped out of California schools, Dietrich insists on a public tour de force to promote his books, art, and a way of life he's spent the last 30 years developing since he first put crayon to paper. And he's doing it all with his wife, and co-author of 'Fruits', and 3-year-old daughter out of the back of his Volvo and tent trailer.
Sure, you can see artists at galleries and at comic cons every so often, but Dietrich is driving across the U.S. hitting comic stores, comic conventions, galleries, nightclubs, festivals and more to promote, in person, his books and art. While you will be able to sample the darker art Dietrich is known for, the tour itself is focusing on a new kid's book 'The Fruits of Our Labor', illustrated by Dietrich and written by Rachel Dietrich and Lexi Sadler. The book itself, simply put, is AWESOME! We always tell our kids, "Eat your fruits and veggies, and you'll grow up big and strong!", but what do you do when you DO grow up big and strong? Well, our cast of garden grown characters will show you. By coupling fruits and veggies with occupations in an alphabet style book, such as the 'Artistic Artichoke', 'Stay at Home Strawberry', and 'Onion the Optometrist', we are able to teach children about different and unique things to eat, and allow them to learn about a multitude of cool job possibilities they can strive for as they grow up.
The main themes the creators are surrounding the promoting of the book with are raising awareness of healthy living, creativity with food, supplementing children's knowledge of art, and teaching them how to apply creative thinking in their day-to-day life; a concept and commitment of the creators that hits close to home as they watch art, music and drama being taken out of the California schools because of budget cuts. In San Diego, the creators are teaming up with chefs and fitness experts to throw events that will offer demos to children, covering everything from how to make food fun, to simple exercises they can do, to discussions on how to enhance their lives creatively.
Also available on this tour will be the full line of the artist's art prints, original art, and his new books 'Bubbles from Atlantis' written by Richard A. Webster, and Dietrich's 10 yr. anniversary live art book 'I Brought the Gutter'. Both books are also available from Colosseum Publishing online at and at
Current tour dates are as follows with many, many more dates to follow including club dates and store signings in most of the cities:
5/31 - Poster Show @ Bar Basic (San Diego)
6/4 - Dragonfly (Hollywood, CA)
6/5 - Happenin' Harry @ The Cat Club (Hollywood, CA)
6/23 - NOHO Studios Show (North Hollywood, CA)
6/24 - Beer and Sake Festival (San Diego, CA)
7/19 - Poems, Rhymes and Tales @ Bar Basic (San Diego, CA)
7/21 - 24th - San Diego Comic Con (San Diego, CA)
8/11 - 8/14 - Wizard World Chicago (Chicago, IL)
8/20 - 8/21 - Baltimore Comic Con (Baltimore, MD)
9/24 - Jet City Comic Con (Seattle, WA)
10/29 - 10/30 - Long Beach Comic Con (Long Beach, CA)
11/11 - 11/13 - Wizard World Austin (Austin, TX)
1/28 - 1/29 - Wizard World New Orleans (New Orleans, LA)5/31 - Poster Show @ Bar Basic (San Diego)
Sean Dietrich currently lives in San Diego (at least for the next 2 months!) and has been published since he was 15. He used his live art as a marketing tool when his first book 'industriacide' came out because he was too broke to buy ad space to promote, and it's since become a successful career. Dietrich has painted at the lowliest dive bars on up to celebrity filled clubs in Beverly Hills, and has been able to maintain his status in the underground art scene in San Diego, helping new artists break into live art and make a living off of their craft. The artist has also been apart of numerous charity events raising thousands of dollars through donated paintings that are auctioned off.
--For more information on the tour, the books, tour blog and more, log to or follow Dietrich at
--To help fund the tour and get some pretty rad pledge prizes, log to and pledge to the project.
After 900 live art shows in Southern California over 11 years, Sean Dietrich hops in his car to drive his unique live painting, and a new kid's book 'The Fruits of Our Labor', to the rest of the country on a six month tour to promote creative living, and arts awareness.
May 25, 2011, San Diego, CA – In the age of the internet when most artists rely on online sales to promote, or a rare decent paying, steady gig at a big company to pay the bills, Sean Dietrich is going against the grain with a six month, 10,000 mile U.S. Live Art Tour starting Aug 1st to promote several new books, including a brand new kid's book 'The Fruits of Our Labor', and introduce thousands of new people to his own special brand of live art. With all the art programs being ripped out of California schools, Dietrich insists on a public tour de force to promote his books, art, and a way of life he's spent the last 30 years developing since he first put crayon to paper. And he's doing it all with his wife, and co-author of 'Fruits', and 3-year-old daughter out of the back of his Volvo and tent trailer.
Sure, you can see artists at galleries and at comic cons every so often, but Dietrich is driving across the U.S. hitting comic stores, comic conventions, galleries, nightclubs, festivals and more to promote, in person, his books and art. While you will be able to sample the darker art Dietrich is known for, the tour itself is focusing on a new kid's book 'The Fruits of Our Labor', illustrated by Dietrich and written by Rachel Dietrich and Lexi Sadler. The book itself, simply put, is AWESOME! We always tell our kids, "Eat your fruits and veggies, and you'll grow up big and strong!", but what do you do when you DO grow up big and strong? Well, our cast of garden grown characters will show you. By coupling fruits and veggies with occupations in an alphabet style book, such as the 'Artistic Artichoke', 'Stay at Home Strawberry', and 'Onion the Optometrist', we are able to teach children about different and unique things to eat, and allow them to learn about a multitude of cool job possibilities they can strive for as they grow up.
The main themes the creators are surrounding the promoting of the book with are raising awareness of healthy living, creativity with food, supplementing children's knowledge of art, and teaching them how to apply creative thinking in their day-to-day life; a concept and commitment of the creators that hits close to home as they watch art, music and drama being taken out of the California schools because of budget cuts. In San Diego, the creators are teaming up with chefs and fitness experts to throw events that will offer demos to children, covering everything from how to make food fun, to simple exercises they can do, to discussions on how to enhance their lives creatively.
Also available on this tour will be the full line of the artist's art prints, original art, and his new books 'Bubbles from Atlantis' written by Richard A. Webster, and Dietrich's 10 yr. anniversary live art book 'I Brought the Gutter'. Both books are also available from Colosseum Publishing online at and at
Current tour dates are as follows with many, many more dates to follow including club dates and store signings in most of the cities:
5/31 - Poster Show @ Bar Basic (San Diego)
6/4 - Dragonfly (Hollywood, CA)
6/5 - Happenin' Harry @ The Cat Club (Hollywood, CA)
6/23 - NOHO Studios Show (North Hollywood, CA)
6/24 - Beer and Sake Festival (San Diego, CA)
7/19 - Poems, Rhymes and Tales @ Bar Basic (San Diego, CA)
7/21 - 24th - San Diego Comic Con (San Diego, CA)
8/11 - 8/14 - Wizard World Chicago (Chicago, IL)
8/20 - 8/21 - Baltimore Comic Con (Baltimore, MD)
9/24 - Jet City Comic Con (Seattle, WA)
10/29 - 10/30 - Long Beach Comic Con (Long Beach, CA)
11/11 - 11/13 - Wizard World Austin (Austin, TX)
1/28 - 1/29 - Wizard World New Orleans (New Orleans, LA)5/31 - Poster Show @ Bar Basic (San Diego)
Sean Dietrich currently lives in San Diego (at least for the next 2 months!) and has been published since he was 15. He used his live art as a marketing tool when his first book 'industriacide' came out because he was too broke to buy ad space to promote, and it's since become a successful career. Dietrich has painted at the lowliest dive bars on up to celebrity filled clubs in Beverly Hills, and has been able to maintain his status in the underground art scene in San Diego, helping new artists break into live art and make a living off of their craft. The artist has also been apart of numerous charity events raising thousands of dollars through donated paintings that are auctioned off.
--For more information on the tour, the books, tour blog and more, log to or follow Dietrich at
--To help fund the tour and get some pretty rad pledge prizes, log to and pledge to the project.
Aspen Comics Joins Forces with comiXology to Enter the Digital Market
Independent Publisher Debuts First Wave of Classic and All New Titles on Leading Digital Platform
New York, NY/Los Angeles, CA - 5/25/11– Aspen Comics is proud to announce the launch of their digital line of comic books on the comiXology platform, allowing consumers worldwide the opportunity to access Aspen’s ever expanding library of original properties as well as exclusive digital content on the horizon from the publisher.
“We’re excited to finally usher our Aspen line of books into the digital marketplace, and are thrilled to be teaming up with comiXology to make this a reality,” said Frank Mastromauro, President of Aspen MLT, Inc. “This will give our fans greater access to our current catalogue of titles, while also providing potential new readers with a wide choice of different avenues to jump into the Aspen Comics universe.”
The first wave of the comiXology launch will include 15 titles, including some of Aspen’s most popular series, such as Michael Turner’s Fathom and Soulfire, the critically acclaimed series Executive Assistant: Iris and Shrugged, and several more available at launch and to be announced. Individual titles from Aspen will be priced on comiXology from $.99 to $2.99 depending on issue size, with over-sized titles priced accordingly, and every introductory zero or preview issue offered for free. Aspen and comiXology will also be offering full series sets of Aspen’s various titles for a discounted price.
“We've been working to get Aspen titles onto Comics by comiXology since before we even launched, “ said David Steinberger, CEO of comiXology. “So, it gives us great pleasure to add them to the platform. We are always looking to expand our comic library to give our community more comic titles to enjoy and Aspen will be a great addition.”
List of digital Aspen Comics to be released today:
* Executive Assistant: Iris Preview (Free)
* Executive Assistant: Iris #0 (Free)
* Executive Assistant: Iris #1
* Executive Assistant: Iris #2
* Fathom #0/Preview (Free)
* Fathom #1
* Fathom #2
* Shrugged Beginnings (Free)
* Shrugged #0 (Free)
* Shrugged #1
* Shrugged #2
* Soulfire #0 (Free)
* Soulfire #1
* Soulfire #2
About Aspen Comics
Aspen MLT, Inc. is an entertainment publishing company founded in January 2003 by superstar comic artist Michael Turner. Aspen produces the popular series Fathom, the hit fantasy series Soulfire, the smash hit Lady Mechanika, the acclaimed series Shrugged, as well as new series such as Broken Pieces, Charismagic, Dellec, Executive Assistant: Iris, Mindfield, and The Scourge in association with Valhalla Motion Pictures. As well as publishing their own line of books, Aspen MLT Inc. continually collaborates on the comic industry’s most exciting titles including Marvel’s Civil War and World War Hulk, and DC Comics’ Identity Crisis and Brightest Day events. Aspen has branched into other media forms and continues to do so. Aspen has produced original content and designs for such clients as Marvel Comics, DC Comics, NBC, American Express and more.
About comiXology
Since 2007 comiXology has been developing the technological infrastructure to bring comics into the digital mainstream and expose new audiences to the rich history and culture of the industry. Through partnerships with top comic book publishers including Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Archaia Entertainment, BOOM! Studios, Dynamite Entertainment and Image Comics as well as their own mobile and web apps which hosts over 9,000 digital titles, comiXology has become a leader in digital comic book proliferation. Also focused on creating strong ties with retail stores through its technology solutions, comiXology continues to transform the previously fragmented comic ecosystem into a vibrant and cohesive marketplace.
Independent Publisher Debuts First Wave of Classic and All New Titles on Leading Digital Platform
New York, NY/Los Angeles, CA - 5/25/11– Aspen Comics is proud to announce the launch of their digital line of comic books on the comiXology platform, allowing consumers worldwide the opportunity to access Aspen’s ever expanding library of original properties as well as exclusive digital content on the horizon from the publisher.
“We’re excited to finally usher our Aspen line of books into the digital marketplace, and are thrilled to be teaming up with comiXology to make this a reality,” said Frank Mastromauro, President of Aspen MLT, Inc. “This will give our fans greater access to our current catalogue of titles, while also providing potential new readers with a wide choice of different avenues to jump into the Aspen Comics universe.”
The first wave of the comiXology launch will include 15 titles, including some of Aspen’s most popular series, such as Michael Turner’s Fathom and Soulfire, the critically acclaimed series Executive Assistant: Iris and Shrugged, and several more available at launch and to be announced. Individual titles from Aspen will be priced on comiXology from $.99 to $2.99 depending on issue size, with over-sized titles priced accordingly, and every introductory zero or preview issue offered for free. Aspen and comiXology will also be offering full series sets of Aspen’s various titles for a discounted price.
“We've been working to get Aspen titles onto Comics by comiXology since before we even launched, “ said David Steinberger, CEO of comiXology. “So, it gives us great pleasure to add them to the platform. We are always looking to expand our comic library to give our community more comic titles to enjoy and Aspen will be a great addition.”
List of digital Aspen Comics to be released today:
* Executive Assistant: Iris Preview (Free)
* Executive Assistant: Iris #0 (Free)
* Executive Assistant: Iris #1
* Executive Assistant: Iris #2
* Fathom #0/Preview (Free)
* Fathom #1
* Fathom #2
* Shrugged Beginnings (Free)
* Shrugged #0 (Free)
* Shrugged #1
* Shrugged #2
* Soulfire #0 (Free)
* Soulfire #1
* Soulfire #2
About Aspen Comics
Aspen MLT, Inc. is an entertainment publishing company founded in January 2003 by superstar comic artist Michael Turner. Aspen produces the popular series Fathom, the hit fantasy series Soulfire, the smash hit Lady Mechanika, the acclaimed series Shrugged, as well as new series such as Broken Pieces, Charismagic, Dellec, Executive Assistant: Iris, Mindfield, and The Scourge in association with Valhalla Motion Pictures. As well as publishing their own line of books, Aspen MLT Inc. continually collaborates on the comic industry’s most exciting titles including Marvel’s Civil War and World War Hulk, and DC Comics’ Identity Crisis and Brightest Day events. Aspen has branched into other media forms and continues to do so. Aspen has produced original content and designs for such clients as Marvel Comics, DC Comics, NBC, American Express and more.
About comiXology
Since 2007 comiXology has been developing the technological infrastructure to bring comics into the digital mainstream and expose new audiences to the rich history and culture of the industry. Through partnerships with top comic book publishers including Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Archaia Entertainment, BOOM! Studios, Dynamite Entertainment and Image Comics as well as their own mobile and web apps which hosts over 9,000 digital titles, comiXology has become a leader in digital comic book proliferation. Also focused on creating strong ties with retail stores through its technology solutions, comiXology continues to transform the previously fragmented comic ecosystem into a vibrant and cohesive marketplace.
CAMBRIDGE, UK – May 25, 2011 – Calling all Superkids! Jagex Games Studio, the UK’s largest independent games publisher, in partnership with New York based developer Herotainment, today launched Herotopia, the free-to-play online game for children, with new content, activities and features. Herotopia offers a fun, vibrant, and safe environment for kids to play, socialize and live out their superhero dreams.
With today’s launch, Herotopia unveils a new Mission System, giving players more than 75 challenging quests to complete and five new mini-games, including daily Power Puzzles that test their creativeness, skill and knowledge of the world around them.
Recipient of the NAPPA Gold Award from the National Parenting Publications Awards, Herotopia offers kids a rich and engaging world for them to become their ultimate Superheroes. Traveling to real-world locations such as New York, the North Pole, Beijing and Paris, kids visit iconic destinations from the Eiffel Tower to Rockefeller Plaza, completing quests, games and adventures along the way. In addition to global travels and the action-packed mini-games, every new Superhero also has their own Secret Hideout, a fully customizable hero base where they can meet with their in-game friends.
Mark Gerhard, CEO at Jagex, commented: “Herotopia offers a fantastically rich and fun experience which we know will appeal to the superhero in everyone. Herotopia is our first under 12 title and, with today’s substantial update making Herotopia even more compelling, we are certain that the game has what it takes to be a huge hit with kids all over the world.”
Caryn and Wade Teman, joint CEO’s of Herotainment said: “When creating Herotopia, we as parents ourselves wanted to empower kids to be their own heroes and to get something more out of playing an online game than just a high score. The content update launched today is our largest to date and we are very excited to be teaming up with Jagex to make Herotopia the leading virtual world for children everywhere.”
Herotopia is accessible to play for free on almost any internet enabled computer. An All-Access Superhero membership option is available for a small monthly fee, offering special features and privileges on top of the free game. These include the opportunity to buy accessories for the player’s Secret Hideout, adopt an Orangutan Sidekick, acquire multiple Superpowers and Super Vehicles to travel around this exciting world as well as the ability to unlock and visit to the special imaginary location, Herotopia Island. An All-Access membership costs from $5.95 a month, a portion of which will be donated to children’s charities, voted on by the Herotopia community.
To play Herotopia and find out more about the game, visit
About Jagex – Just About the Game Experience:
Jagex Games Studio is a multi-award winning games developer and publisher based in Cambridge, England. Jagex specializes in the development of browser-based MMO’s and is the largest independent games developer and publisher in the UK.
Jagex has a long-standing reputation for creating the world’s best online games, for developing hugely popular, high quality, accessible, free-to-play games and for providing an unbeatable community experience for millions of players around the world. Jagex has developed and self-published over 40 online titles including the world’s most popular free online multiplayer game, RuneScape.
About Herotainment, LLC
Herotainment, LLC is a New York based children’s media and entertainment company. Herotainment develops interactive content that is fun, educational and rewarding. The company’s flagship property is, a dynamic, multi-player online game with engaging characters and story that will be the basis for books, mobile apps, an animated television show, licensed products and more.
CAMBRIDGE, UK – May 25, 2011 – Calling all Superkids! Jagex Games Studio, the UK’s largest independent games publisher, in partnership with New York based developer Herotainment, today launched Herotopia, the free-to-play online game for children, with new content, activities and features. Herotopia offers a fun, vibrant, and safe environment for kids to play, socialize and live out their superhero dreams.
With today’s launch, Herotopia unveils a new Mission System, giving players more than 75 challenging quests to complete and five new mini-games, including daily Power Puzzles that test their creativeness, skill and knowledge of the world around them.
Recipient of the NAPPA Gold Award from the National Parenting Publications Awards, Herotopia offers kids a rich and engaging world for them to become their ultimate Superheroes. Traveling to real-world locations such as New York, the North Pole, Beijing and Paris, kids visit iconic destinations from the Eiffel Tower to Rockefeller Plaza, completing quests, games and adventures along the way. In addition to global travels and the action-packed mini-games, every new Superhero also has their own Secret Hideout, a fully customizable hero base where they can meet with their in-game friends.
Mark Gerhard, CEO at Jagex, commented: “Herotopia offers a fantastically rich and fun experience which we know will appeal to the superhero in everyone. Herotopia is our first under 12 title and, with today’s substantial update making Herotopia even more compelling, we are certain that the game has what it takes to be a huge hit with kids all over the world.”
Caryn and Wade Teman, joint CEO’s of Herotainment said: “When creating Herotopia, we as parents ourselves wanted to empower kids to be their own heroes and to get something more out of playing an online game than just a high score. The content update launched today is our largest to date and we are very excited to be teaming up with Jagex to make Herotopia the leading virtual world for children everywhere.”
Herotopia is accessible to play for free on almost any internet enabled computer. An All-Access Superhero membership option is available for a small monthly fee, offering special features and privileges on top of the free game. These include the opportunity to buy accessories for the player’s Secret Hideout, adopt an Orangutan Sidekick, acquire multiple Superpowers and Super Vehicles to travel around this exciting world as well as the ability to unlock and visit to the special imaginary location, Herotopia Island. An All-Access membership costs from $5.95 a month, a portion of which will be donated to children’s charities, voted on by the Herotopia community.
To play Herotopia and find out more about the game, visit
About Jagex – Just About the Game Experience:
Jagex Games Studio is a multi-award winning games developer and publisher based in Cambridge, England. Jagex specializes in the development of browser-based MMO’s and is the largest independent games developer and publisher in the UK.
Jagex has a long-standing reputation for creating the world’s best online games, for developing hugely popular, high quality, accessible, free-to-play games and for providing an unbeatable community experience for millions of players around the world. Jagex has developed and self-published over 40 online titles including the world’s most popular free online multiplayer game, RuneScape.
About Herotainment, LLC
Herotainment, LLC is a New York based children’s media and entertainment company. Herotainment develops interactive content that is fun, educational and rewarding. The company’s flagship property is, a dynamic, multi-player online game with engaging characters and story that will be the basis for books, mobile apps, an animated television show, licensed products and more.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Series Features Alums John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Kai Owen, Joined by Mekhi Phifer, Alexa Havins, Bill Pullman, and Special Guest Stars Lauren Ambrose and Arlene Tur
Plus Other Notable Guest Stars Including C. Thomas Howell, Wayne Knight, Ernie Hudson, Frances Fisher and Mare Winningham
New York, May 24, 2011 -- Imagine a day when nobody dies. All across the world, nobody dies. And then the next day, and the next, and the next, people keep aging. They get hurt and sick but they never die. This is the extraordinary premise of the highly-anticipated STARZ original drama series, "Torchwood: Miracle Day," produced by BBC Worldwide Productions for STARZ, BBC Cymru Wales and BBC Worldwide. The new series, premiering on STARZ on July 8 at 10pm ET/PT, features Torchwood alumni John Barrowman, Eve Myles, and Kai Owen and new headliners, Mekhi Phifer, Alexa Havins and Bill Pullman.
Special guest starring actors in the cult sensation include: Arlene Tur (“Crash,” Eat Pray Love) and Lauren Ambrose (“Six Feet Under,” The Other Woman). The 10-episode, hour-long series will also feature an impressive list of guest stars: Wayne Knight (“Seinfeld,” Jurassic Park), C. Thomas Howell (“Southland,” The Outsiders), Ernie Hudson (“OZ,” Ghostbusters), Nana Visitor (“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”), John DeLancie (“Star Trek: The Next Generation”), Mare Winningham (Mildred Pierce, George Wallace) and Frances Fisher (Titanic, The Lincoln Lawyer).
"Torchwood: Miracle Day" begins with a day when nobody dies. The result: a population boom, overnight. With all the extra people, resources are finite. It's said that in four month's time, the human race will cease to be viable. But this can't be a natural occurrence - someone's got to be behind it. It's a race against time as C.I.A. agent Rex Matheson investigates a global conspiracy. The answers lie within an old, secret British institute. As Rex keeps asking "What is Torchwood?," he's drawn into a world of adventure, and a threat to change what it means to be human, forever.
The show's original creator, writer/producer Russell T Davies, serves as executive producer along with BBC Worldwide Productions' SVP Julie Gardner, with Davies also serving as show-runner. "Torchwood: Miracle Day" is produced by BBC Worldwide Productions for Starz, BBC Cymru Wales and BBC Worldwide.
Torchwood: Miracle Day
About Starz Entertainment
Starz Entertainment, LLC, is a premium movie and original programming entertainment service provider operating in the United States. The company offers 16 premium channels including the flagship Starz® and Encore® brands with approximately 18.8 million and 33.1 million subscribers respectively. Starz Entertainment airs in total more than 1,000 movies and original series every month across its pay TV channels. Starz Entertainment is recognized as a pay TV leader in providing HD, On Demand, HD On Demand and online advanced services for its Starz, Encore and MoviePlex brands. Starz Entertainment ( is an operating unit of Starz, LLC, which is a controlled subsidiary of Liberty Media Corporation and is attributed to the Liberty Starz tracking stock group (NASDAQ: LSTZA).
About BBC Worldwide Productions
BBC Worldwide Productions, based in Los Angeles and headed by Jane Tranter, develops and produces scripted and non-scripted projects for U.S. cable and broadcast networks, as well as digital platforms. The production company is responsible for the smash hit “Dancing with the Stars” (ABC), “Top Gear” (HISTORY), “What Not to Wear” (TLC) and “Torchwood: Miracle Day” (STARZ). BBC Worldwide Productions is one of seven core businesses within BBC Worldwide, the main commercial arm and wholly-owned subsidiary of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
Series Features Alums John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Kai Owen, Joined by Mekhi Phifer, Alexa Havins, Bill Pullman, and Special Guest Stars Lauren Ambrose and Arlene Tur
Plus Other Notable Guest Stars Including C. Thomas Howell, Wayne Knight, Ernie Hudson, Frances Fisher and Mare Winningham
New York, May 24, 2011 -- Imagine a day when nobody dies. All across the world, nobody dies. And then the next day, and the next, and the next, people keep aging. They get hurt and sick but they never die. This is the extraordinary premise of the highly-anticipated STARZ original drama series, "Torchwood: Miracle Day," produced by BBC Worldwide Productions for STARZ, BBC Cymru Wales and BBC Worldwide. The new series, premiering on STARZ on July 8 at 10pm ET/PT, features Torchwood alumni John Barrowman, Eve Myles, and Kai Owen and new headliners, Mekhi Phifer, Alexa Havins and Bill Pullman.
Special guest starring actors in the cult sensation include: Arlene Tur (“Crash,” Eat Pray Love) and Lauren Ambrose (“Six Feet Under,” The Other Woman). The 10-episode, hour-long series will also feature an impressive list of guest stars: Wayne Knight (“Seinfeld,” Jurassic Park), C. Thomas Howell (“Southland,” The Outsiders), Ernie Hudson (“OZ,” Ghostbusters), Nana Visitor (“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”), John DeLancie (“Star Trek: The Next Generation”), Mare Winningham (Mildred Pierce, George Wallace) and Frances Fisher (Titanic, The Lincoln Lawyer).
"Torchwood: Miracle Day" begins with a day when nobody dies. The result: a population boom, overnight. With all the extra people, resources are finite. It's said that in four month's time, the human race will cease to be viable. But this can't be a natural occurrence - someone's got to be behind it. It's a race against time as C.I.A. agent Rex Matheson investigates a global conspiracy. The answers lie within an old, secret British institute. As Rex keeps asking "What is Torchwood?," he's drawn into a world of adventure, and a threat to change what it means to be human, forever.
The show's original creator, writer/producer Russell T Davies, serves as executive producer along with BBC Worldwide Productions' SVP Julie Gardner, with Davies also serving as show-runner. "Torchwood: Miracle Day" is produced by BBC Worldwide Productions for Starz, BBC Cymru Wales and BBC Worldwide.
Torchwood: Miracle Day
About Starz Entertainment
Starz Entertainment, LLC, is a premium movie and original programming entertainment service provider operating in the United States. The company offers 16 premium channels including the flagship Starz® and Encore® brands with approximately 18.8 million and 33.1 million subscribers respectively. Starz Entertainment airs in total more than 1,000 movies and original series every month across its pay TV channels. Starz Entertainment is recognized as a pay TV leader in providing HD, On Demand, HD On Demand and online advanced services for its Starz, Encore and MoviePlex brands. Starz Entertainment ( is an operating unit of Starz, LLC, which is a controlled subsidiary of Liberty Media Corporation and is attributed to the Liberty Starz tracking stock group (NASDAQ: LSTZA).
About BBC Worldwide Productions
BBC Worldwide Productions, based in Los Angeles and headed by Jane Tranter, develops and produces scripted and non-scripted projects for U.S. cable and broadcast networks, as well as digital platforms. The production company is responsible for the smash hit “Dancing with the Stars” (ABC), “Top Gear” (HISTORY), “What Not to Wear” (TLC) and “Torchwood: Miracle Day” (STARZ). BBC Worldwide Productions is one of seven core businesses within BBC Worldwide, the main commercial arm and wholly-owned subsidiary of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
App Will Feature First Four Issues of Stan Lee’s SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER & STARBORN comic series. Issues Will Also Debut On Multiple Platforms Via All Major Digital Comics Vendors and the BOOM! Studios Comics App
May 23, 2011 - Los Angeles, CA - BOOM! Studios, one of the top publishers of graphic novels and comic books, announced today the immediate availability of the new free Stan Lee BOOM! Comics App for iOS mobile devices! The app will showcase the digital versions of legendary comics creator Stan Lee’s superhero comic series, SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN. In addition, the titles can be downloaded for iOS through the BOOM! Studios Comics App.
Fans can also download these series through all major digital comics vendors, including ComiXology,, iVerse, and MyDigitialComics, for desktop (Windows, MacOS) and mobile (iOS, Android) platforms. SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN debuted last fall from one of the comic book industries greatest creators, Stan Lee, in association with his company, POW! Entertainment!
Today’s announcement marks a major foray into the digital comics space by Stan Lee. Lee is a National Medal of Arts Award winner and created the superhero mainstays that populate the House of Ideas, Marvel Comics, including SPIDER-MAN, IRON MAN, THE X-MEN, THE HULK, DR. STRANGE, DAREDEVIL, THE FANTASTIC FOUR, and THOR, among many others.
“What’s great about releasing this app is that it enables us to bring the joy and wonder of comics to the mobile fan and a whole new generation of readers,” said Lee. “Comics are a medium that transcends age, appealing not only to today’s young readers, but older ones as well. And by giving them an unprecedented level of access, we’re ensuring that the fantastic stories, characters, and worlds found only in comics will endure for many years to come.”
The move comes as part of BOOM! Studios’ aggressive digital comics strategy to offer their entire frontlist and backlist of titles for download across multiple mobile and desktop platforms. Last year, they announced the BOOM! Studios App as well as partnerships with comiXology,, iVerse, and MyDigitalComics to offer high-resolution, easy-to-use digital versions of BOOM!’s most popular titles, including the Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated IRREDEEMABLE, DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, and DRACULA: THE COMPANY OF MONSTERS. The digital comics experience gives readers access to BOOM! Studios’ diverse catalog right at their fingertips. The BOOM! Studios Comics app is available for free download in the iTunes App Store.
“With the easy accessibility of digital comics, we’re excited to be able to turn everyone with a computer, iOS, or an Android device into a lifelong comics fan,” says Chip Mosher, marketing director, BOOM! Studios. “Anyone who’s ever been curious to try comics now has the power to read them instantly with just a click of a button. So what better way to experience comics for the first time than by reading all-new series from the master of the medium, Stan Lee!”
Developed by iVerse Media in association with BOOM! Studios, the all-new Stan Lee BOOM! Comics App features direct access to Lee’s Twitter feed and keeps readers up-to-date on all the latest digital releases from him and BOOM! Studios. Both the Stan Lee BOOM! Comics App and the BOOM! Studios Comics App are available absolutely free in the iTunes App Store. Singles issues of all comics cost $1.99 with a free preview of every first issue of SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN available from every vendor.
SOLDIER ZERO debuted in October 2010 written by Paul Cornell (DOCTOR WHO) and drawn by Javier Pina (MANHUNTER, SUPERMAN). Dan Abnet and Andy Lanning currently write the series with the next installment SOLDIER ZERO #8 in stores 6/15/2011.
THE TRAVELER launched in November 2010 written by Mark Waid (IRREDEEMABLE, KINGDOM COME) and drawn by Chad Hardin (SPIDER-MAN). The series is currently written by Mark Waid & Tom Peyer with The Traveler #7 hitting store shelves next Wednesday 5/25/11.
STARBORN premired in December 2010 written by Chris Roberson (SUPERMAN, iZOMBIE) and drawn by Khary Randolph (THE ADVENTURES OF SPAWN). STARBORN #7 will available in stores 6/8/11.
About BOOM! Studios
Award-winning “Best Publisher” BOOM! Studios ( generates a constellation of bestselling comic books and graphic novels with the industry’s top talent, including Mark Waid's series IRREDEEMABLE, Stan Lee’s SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN (the first new series in print from the industry icon in 20 years), new HELLRAISER comics written by Clive Barker as well as 20th Century Fox’s PLANET OF THE APES, 28 DAYS LATER, and DIE HARD, Philip K. Dick’s DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, and The Henson Company’s FARSCAPE. BOOM!’s recently rebranded all-ages imprint, KABOOM! will see publication of PEANUTS, SPACE WARPED, Roger Langridge’s SNARKED!, Scholastic’s WORDGIRL and DUCKTALES, as well as continuing to publish fan-favorite Disney Afternoon series DARKWING DUCK, CHIP ‘N’ DALE RESCUE RANGERS along with Disney standards MICKEY MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, UNCLE SCROOGE, and WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES.
POW! Entertainment,Inc. (OTCQB: POWN), a multi-media and entertainment company, was founded by noted comic book and entertainment figure Stan Lee, together with award-winning producer Gill Champion and intellectual property specialist Arthur Lieberman. POW!’s principals have extensive backgrounds in the entertainment industry encompassing the creation, production and licensing of original intellectual properties, including some of the most successful entertainment franchises of all time.
POW! is capitalizing on this combined expertise, specializing in creating and developing both the legacy and digital media components of the entertainment industry. This includes animation and live-action feature films, plus television, DVDs, multi-media, merchandising and related ancillary markets, all of which contribute to global expansion.
POW! partners with other individuals and entities of entertainment’s top echelon, including studios and networks in the creation, licensing and distribution of new POW! character franchises.
App Will Feature First Four Issues of Stan Lee’s SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER & STARBORN comic series. Issues Will Also Debut On Multiple Platforms Via All Major Digital Comics Vendors and the BOOM! Studios Comics App
May 23, 2011 - Los Angeles, CA - BOOM! Studios, one of the top publishers of graphic novels and comic books, announced today the immediate availability of the new free Stan Lee BOOM! Comics App for iOS mobile devices! The app will showcase the digital versions of legendary comics creator Stan Lee’s superhero comic series, SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN. In addition, the titles can be downloaded for iOS through the BOOM! Studios Comics App.
Fans can also download these series through all major digital comics vendors, including ComiXology,, iVerse, and MyDigitialComics, for desktop (Windows, MacOS) and mobile (iOS, Android) platforms. SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN debuted last fall from one of the comic book industries greatest creators, Stan Lee, in association with his company, POW! Entertainment!
Today’s announcement marks a major foray into the digital comics space by Stan Lee. Lee is a National Medal of Arts Award winner and created the superhero mainstays that populate the House of Ideas, Marvel Comics, including SPIDER-MAN, IRON MAN, THE X-MEN, THE HULK, DR. STRANGE, DAREDEVIL, THE FANTASTIC FOUR, and THOR, among many others.
“What’s great about releasing this app is that it enables us to bring the joy and wonder of comics to the mobile fan and a whole new generation of readers,” said Lee. “Comics are a medium that transcends age, appealing not only to today’s young readers, but older ones as well. And by giving them an unprecedented level of access, we’re ensuring that the fantastic stories, characters, and worlds found only in comics will endure for many years to come.”
The move comes as part of BOOM! Studios’ aggressive digital comics strategy to offer their entire frontlist and backlist of titles for download across multiple mobile and desktop platforms. Last year, they announced the BOOM! Studios App as well as partnerships with comiXology,, iVerse, and MyDigitalComics to offer high-resolution, easy-to-use digital versions of BOOM!’s most popular titles, including the Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated IRREDEEMABLE, DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, and DRACULA: THE COMPANY OF MONSTERS. The digital comics experience gives readers access to BOOM! Studios’ diverse catalog right at their fingertips. The BOOM! Studios Comics app is available for free download in the iTunes App Store.
“With the easy accessibility of digital comics, we’re excited to be able to turn everyone with a computer, iOS, or an Android device into a lifelong comics fan,” says Chip Mosher, marketing director, BOOM! Studios. “Anyone who’s ever been curious to try comics now has the power to read them instantly with just a click of a button. So what better way to experience comics for the first time than by reading all-new series from the master of the medium, Stan Lee!”
Developed by iVerse Media in association with BOOM! Studios, the all-new Stan Lee BOOM! Comics App features direct access to Lee’s Twitter feed and keeps readers up-to-date on all the latest digital releases from him and BOOM! Studios. Both the Stan Lee BOOM! Comics App and the BOOM! Studios Comics App are available absolutely free in the iTunes App Store. Singles issues of all comics cost $1.99 with a free preview of every first issue of SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN available from every vendor.
SOLDIER ZERO debuted in October 2010 written by Paul Cornell (DOCTOR WHO) and drawn by Javier Pina (MANHUNTER, SUPERMAN). Dan Abnet and Andy Lanning currently write the series with the next installment SOLDIER ZERO #8 in stores 6/15/2011.
THE TRAVELER launched in November 2010 written by Mark Waid (IRREDEEMABLE, KINGDOM COME) and drawn by Chad Hardin (SPIDER-MAN). The series is currently written by Mark Waid & Tom Peyer with The Traveler #7 hitting store shelves next Wednesday 5/25/11.
STARBORN premired in December 2010 written by Chris Roberson (SUPERMAN, iZOMBIE) and drawn by Khary Randolph (THE ADVENTURES OF SPAWN). STARBORN #7 will available in stores 6/8/11.
About BOOM! Studios
Award-winning “Best Publisher” BOOM! Studios ( generates a constellation of bestselling comic books and graphic novels with the industry’s top talent, including Mark Waid's series IRREDEEMABLE, Stan Lee’s SOLDIER ZERO, THE TRAVELER, and STARBORN (the first new series in print from the industry icon in 20 years), new HELLRAISER comics written by Clive Barker as well as 20th Century Fox’s PLANET OF THE APES, 28 DAYS LATER, and DIE HARD, Philip K. Dick’s DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, and The Henson Company’s FARSCAPE. BOOM!’s recently rebranded all-ages imprint, KABOOM! will see publication of PEANUTS, SPACE WARPED, Roger Langridge’s SNARKED!, Scholastic’s WORDGIRL and DUCKTALES, as well as continuing to publish fan-favorite Disney Afternoon series DARKWING DUCK, CHIP ‘N’ DALE RESCUE RANGERS along with Disney standards MICKEY MOUSE, DONALD DUCK, UNCLE SCROOGE, and WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES.
POW! Entertainment,Inc. (OTCQB: POWN), a multi-media and entertainment company, was founded by noted comic book and entertainment figure Stan Lee, together with award-winning producer Gill Champion and intellectual property specialist Arthur Lieberman. POW!’s principals have extensive backgrounds in the entertainment industry encompassing the creation, production and licensing of original intellectual properties, including some of the most successful entertainment franchises of all time.
POW! is capitalizing on this combined expertise, specializing in creating and developing both the legacy and digital media components of the entertainment industry. This includes animation and live-action feature films, plus television, DVDs, multi-media, merchandising and related ancillary markets, all of which contribute to global expansion.
POW! partners with other individuals and entities of entertainment’s top echelon, including studios and networks in the creation, licensing and distribution of new POW! character franchises.
Image Comics Reunites Sarkar and Gastonny In New Series
Image Comics is pleased to announce that writer Sam Sarkar and artist Garrie Gastonny (Warren Ellis’ Supergod), the team behind Caliber: First Canon of Justice, have reunited to unlock the horror and action within their new miniseries THE VAULT.
THE VAULT is about a small team of treasure hunters, struggling to excavate a dangerous and legendary treasure pit before a massive storm hits Sable Island, the "Graveyard of the North Atlantic." Equipped with all the latest technology, the scientists believe they are prepared against all of nature's fury, but nothing can prepare them for what they are about to unleash.
"THE VAULT is kind of a contemporary Pandora’s Box story," explained creator and writer, Sam Sarkar. "Though it appears on the surface to be a pretty straightforward story, it has most of its mythology buried deeply. It gets uncovered both literally and figuratively as the pit gets excavated."
When asked how THE VAULT found its home at Image, Sarkar replied: "Well, I’m incredibly fortunate that most of the lasting gifts of Caliber were the relationships it helped to cement. Chief among them, David Elliott. Dave and I have soldiered through quite a few storms personally and professionally, and when I asked him to edit THE VAULT, he didn’t hesitate. There are few people I trust as much. I asked Dave what he thought the best way to release THE VAULT would be and Image was at the top of his list of publishers to approach. I’ve always been a fan of Image, not just because of their model, but because of the quality of titles they have represented and continue to represent."
THE VAULT #1 (1 of 3), a 32-page full color comic book, will be on sale in stores July 27th for $3.50 and is available to order in the June 2011 edition of Diamond Previews (Diamond Order Code: JUN110501).
Born in , Sam Sarkar is a 23-year veteran of the entertainment industry. He began his career as an actor and was one of the leads on the long-running, syndicated television series Neon Rider. Following the series, Sam decided to pursue writing and worked for the hit television series Beverly Hills 90210. Stemming from his work on the show, he also co-wrote a television pilot for Spelling Entertainment under the direct guidance of TV legend Aaron Spelling. Deciding then to embark on feature films, Sam took some chances, following a varied path of writing screenplays and working as a sound technician. In 2004, after working on several films with actor Johnny Depp, Sam was asked to help run Depp's production company, Infinitum Nihil, headed by Christi Dembrowski. As Senior VP at the company, he continues to serve the varied needs of as an executive, producer and writer.
Having worked as a comic book artist and illustration lecturer, Garrie Gastonny now mainly focuses on illustration to avoid getting beaten up. Garrie also serves as Senior Artist at Imaginary Friends Studios. His credits include Warren Ellis' Supergod, Caliber: First Canon of Justice and Lady Death. For more information about the artist, please visit
Image Comics is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded in 1992 by a collective of best-selling artists. Image has since gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the . Image currently has five partners: Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri and Jim Valentino. It consists of four major houses: Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline and Image Central. Image publishes comics and graphic novels in nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable. It offers science fiction, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. For more information, visit
Image Comics Reunites Sarkar and Gastonny In New Series
Image Comics is pleased to announce that writer Sam Sarkar and artist Garrie Gastonny (Warren Ellis’ Supergod), the team behind Caliber: First Canon of Justice, have reunited to unlock the horror and action within their new miniseries THE VAULT.
THE VAULT is about a small team of treasure hunters, struggling to excavate a dangerous and legendary treasure pit before a massive storm hits Sable Island, the "Graveyard of the North Atlantic." Equipped with all the latest technology, the scientists believe they are prepared against all of nature's fury, but nothing can prepare them for what they are about to unleash.
"THE VAULT is kind of a contemporary Pandora’s Box story," explained creator and writer, Sam Sarkar. "Though it appears on the surface to be a pretty straightforward story, it has most of its mythology buried deeply. It gets uncovered both literally and figuratively as the pit gets excavated."
When asked how THE VAULT found its home at Image, Sarkar replied: "Well, I’m incredibly fortunate that most of the lasting gifts of Caliber were the relationships it helped to cement. Chief among them, David Elliott. Dave and I have soldiered through quite a few storms personally and professionally, and when I asked him to edit THE VAULT, he didn’t hesitate. There are few people I trust as much. I asked Dave what he thought the best way to release THE VAULT would be and Image was at the top of his list of publishers to approach. I’ve always been a fan of Image, not just because of their model, but because of the quality of titles they have represented and continue to represent."
THE VAULT #1 (1 of 3), a 32-page full color comic book, will be on sale in stores July 27th for $3.50 and is available to order in the June 2011 edition of Diamond Previews (Diamond Order Code: JUN110501).
Born in , Sam Sarkar is a 23-year veteran of the entertainment industry. He began his career as an actor and was one of the leads on the long-running, syndicated television series Neon Rider. Following the series, Sam decided to pursue writing and worked for the hit television series Beverly Hills 90210. Stemming from his work on the show, he also co-wrote a television pilot for Spelling Entertainment under the direct guidance of TV legend Aaron Spelling. Deciding then to embark on feature films, Sam took some chances, following a varied path of writing screenplays and working as a sound technician. In 2004, after working on several films with actor Johnny Depp, Sam was asked to help run Depp's production company, Infinitum Nihil, headed by Christi Dembrowski. As Senior VP at the company, he continues to serve the varied needs of as an executive, producer and writer.
Having worked as a comic book artist and illustration lecturer, Garrie Gastonny now mainly focuses on illustration to avoid getting beaten up. Garrie also serves as Senior Artist at Imaginary Friends Studios. His credits include Warren Ellis' Supergod, Caliber: First Canon of Justice and Lady Death. For more information about the artist, please visit
Image Comics is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded in 1992 by a collective of best-selling artists. Image has since gone on to become one of the largest comics publishers in the . Image currently has five partners: Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri and Jim Valentino. It consists of four major houses: Todd McFarlane Productions, Top Cow Productions, Shadowline and Image Central. Image publishes comics and graphic novels in nearly every genre, sub-genre, and style imaginable. It offers science fiction, romance, horror, crime fiction, historical fiction, humor and more by the finest artists and writers working in the medium today. For more information, visit
Baltimore Comic-Con Adds Hot Talent to the Summer Heat
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - May 23, 2011 - The Baltimore Comic-Con has just added a slew of fan-favorite creators to the growing list of talent for this year's show. Cully Hamner, Craig Rousseau, Todd Dezago, Brian Stelfreeze, and Karl Story will all be in attendance when the show rolls into Baltimore on August 20-21, 2011.
Cully Hamner, one of the original members of Gaijin Studios, has worked professionally in the comics industry for the last 20 years. His writing and art has been featured in books from DC Comics, Vertigo, Marvel Comics, Image, and many more. Red_01 by Cully Hamner.jpgThe artist behind Wildstorm's Red, which was adapted as a feature film in 2010 by Summit Entertainment, Hamner re
cently finished writing and illustrating the prequel to the mini-series, called Eyes Only, which hit stores in December of 2010.
Craig Rousseau broke into comics in the early-'90s, providing art for DC Comics' Impulse. After a 22-issue run, Rousseau went on to become the semi-regular artist on Batman Beyond and Harley Quinn. In 2005, along with writer Todd Dezago, Rousseau co-created the series The Perhapanauts, which debuted at Dark Horse Comics. Rousseau most recently worked on Marvel Comics' Marvel Her-Oes, which showcased the women of the Marvel Universe, as well as Captain America & the Korvac Saga, a reimagining of the original 1978 classic.
Writer Todd Dezago, whose body of work includes The Sensational Spider-Man and Tellos (with the late Mike Wieringo), is the co-creator of Young Justice from DC Comics and The Perhapanauts from Dark Horse/Image. In 2010, Dezago took over writing duties for Super Hero Squad, an all-ages title from Marvel, and recently finished up Super Hero Squad Spectacular #1. He is currently working on the motion comic versions of his own Tellos and Perhapanauts, as well as an all-new title, Katie Greaven and the Engine-Men, with artist Bret Blevins for MotionWorks Entertainment.
Brian Stelfreeze, who was also a founding member of Gaijin Studios, is the current art director of 12 Gauge Comics. An accomplished painter, penciller, inker and colorist, Stelfreeze's art graced more than 50 covers for DC Comics' Shadow of the Bat. He most recently worked on the Demon/Catwoman feature for DC's Wednesday Comics, which was written by previously-announced guest, Walter Simonson.
Karl Story, yet another founding member of Gaijin Studios, is an inker whose work has added depth and shadow to such titles as Nightwing, Batman, Aliens versus Predator, X-Men, Terra Obscura, Tom Strong, Ocean, The American Way, and Midnighter. Most recently, Story worked on the DC Comics' mini-series, DC Universe Legacies.
"Gaijin was such an influential studio throughout the '90s and 2000s. With Cully [Hamner], Brian [Stelfreeze], Karl [Story] and Laura [Martin] on board for this year's show, we've got the core group of creators that helped propel so many careers," said Marc Nathan, show promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "Also, the addition of Todd Dezago and Craig Rousseau to our growing roster adds such talent to the fan-favorite creators already attending the show."
In addition to Hamner, Rousseau, Dezago, Stelfreeze and Story, confirmed guests for the show including: Jason Aaron (Scalped, PunisherMAX); Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead); Nick Cardy (Aquaman, Teen Titans); Cliff Chiang (Greendale); Frank Cho (50 Girl 50, X-Men: Schism, New Ultimates); David Finch (Brightest Day, Batman: The Dark Knight); Ron Frenz (Spider-Girl); Jose-Luis Garcia-Lopez (Wednesday Comics, Batman Confidential); Michael Golden (creator of Bucky O'Hare); Mike Grell (Action Comics, The Pilgrim); Brad Guigar (Evil, Inc., Courting Disaster); Steve Hamaker (Bone); Dean Haspiel (The Alcoholic, Act-i-Vate); Jamal Igle (Supergirl, Zatanna); J.G. Jones (Doc Savage, DC Universe Legacies); Barry Kitson (Secret Invasion, Amazing Spider-Man); Laura Martin (New Avengers, Thor); Mark Morales (Fear Itself cover artist); Kevin Nowlan (Wednesday Comics); David Petersen (Mouse Guard); Brandon Peterson (Ultimate Vision, Strange); Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo); Walter Simonson (Thor); Jeff Smith (Bone, RASL); Nick Spencer (Morning Glories, Iron Man 2.0); Tim Truman (Conan the Cimmerian); Neil Vokes (Flesh & Blood, Eagle: The Original Adventures); and Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).
In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace pages.
This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 21st.
Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries
About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 12th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. For more information, please visit
About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 6 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - May 23, 2011 - The Baltimore Comic-Con has just added a slew of fan-favorite creators to the growing list of talent for this year's show. Cully Hamner, Craig Rousseau, Todd Dezago, Brian Stelfreeze, and Karl Story will all be in attendance when the show rolls into Baltimore on August 20-21, 2011.
Cully Hamner, one of the original members of Gaijin Studios, has worked professionally in the comics industry for the last 20 years. His writing and art has been featured in books from DC Comics, Vertigo, Marvel Comics, Image, and many more. Red_01 by Cully Hamner.jpgThe artist behind Wildstorm's Red, which was adapted as a feature film in 2010 by Summit Entertainment, Hamner re
cently finished writing and illustrating the prequel to the mini-series, called Eyes Only, which hit stores in December of 2010.
Craig Rousseau broke into comics in the early-'90s, providing art for DC Comics' Impulse. After a 22-issue run, Rousseau went on to become the semi-regular artist on Batman Beyond and Harley Quinn. In 2005, along with writer Todd Dezago, Rousseau co-created the series The Perhapanauts, which debuted at Dark Horse Comics. Rousseau most recently worked on Marvel Comics' Marvel Her-Oes, which showcased the women of the Marvel Universe, as well as Captain America & the Korvac Saga, a reimagining of the original 1978 classic.
Writer Todd Dezago, whose body of work includes The Sensational Spider-Man and Tellos (with the late Mike Wieringo), is the co-creator of Young Justice from DC Comics and The Perhapanauts from Dark Horse/Image. In 2010, Dezago took over writing duties for Super Hero Squad, an all-ages title from Marvel, and recently finished up Super Hero Squad Spectacular #1. He is currently working on the motion comic versions of his own Tellos and Perhapanauts, as well as an all-new title, Katie Greaven and the Engine-Men, with artist Bret Blevins for MotionWorks Entertainment.
Brian Stelfreeze, who was also a founding member of Gaijin Studios, is the current art director of 12 Gauge Comics. An accomplished painter, penciller, inker and colorist, Stelfreeze's art graced more than 50 covers for DC Comics' Shadow of the Bat. He most recently worked on the Demon/Catwoman feature for DC's Wednesday Comics, which was written by previously-announced guest, Walter Simonson.
Karl Story, yet another founding member of Gaijin Studios, is an inker whose work has added depth and shadow to such titles as Nightwing, Batman, Aliens versus Predator, X-Men, Terra Obscura, Tom Strong, Ocean, The American Way, and Midnighter. Most recently, Story worked on the DC Comics' mini-series, DC Universe Legacies.
"Gaijin was such an influential studio throughout the '90s and 2000s. With Cully [Hamner], Brian [Stelfreeze], Karl [Story] and Laura [Martin] on board for this year's show, we've got the core group of creators that helped propel so many careers," said Marc Nathan, show promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "Also, the addition of Todd Dezago and Craig Rousseau to our growing roster adds such talent to the fan-favorite creators already attending the show."
In addition to Hamner, Rousseau, Dezago, Stelfreeze and Story, confirmed guests for the show including: Jason Aaron (Scalped, PunisherMAX); Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead); Nick Cardy (Aquaman, Teen Titans); Cliff Chiang (Greendale); Frank Cho (50 Girl 50, X-Men: Schism, New Ultimates); David Finch (Brightest Day, Batman: The Dark Knight); Ron Frenz (Spider-Girl); Jose-Luis Garcia-Lopez (Wednesday Comics, Batman Confidential); Michael Golden (creator of Bucky O'Hare); Mike Grell (Action Comics, The Pilgrim); Brad Guigar (Evil, Inc., Courting Disaster); Steve Hamaker (Bone); Dean Haspiel (The Alcoholic, Act-i-Vate); Jamal Igle (Supergirl, Zatanna); J.G. Jones (Doc Savage, DC Universe Legacies); Barry Kitson (Secret Invasion, Amazing Spider-Man); Laura Martin (New Avengers, Thor); Mark Morales (Fear Itself cover artist); Kevin Nowlan (Wednesday Comics); David Petersen (Mouse Guard); Brandon Peterson (Ultimate Vision, Strange); Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo); Walter Simonson (Thor); Jeff Smith (Bone, RASL); Nick Spencer (Morning Glories, Iron Man 2.0); Tim Truman (Conan the Cimmerian); Neil Vokes (Flesh & Blood, Eagle: The Original Adventures); and Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).
In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace pages.
This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 21st.
Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries
About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 12th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 20-21, 2011. For more information, please visit
About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 6 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit
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