Friday, February 11, 2005


If you're looking for someone to give you an opinion about something comics-related, and it doesn't matter if you like the opinion or not, you could do a lot worse than going to my old buddy Alan David Doane for it. Alan loves and cares about comics the way you love and care about breathing. He takes bad comics personally, because someone took the time to waste his. He wants his happy spot tickled and his heart to grow three sizes when he reads a book.

Who can blame him?

If we all felt that way about comics, maybe, just maybe, we'd force the publishers to make better ones, instead of churning out another Jeph Loeb SUPERMAN book or anything by Frank Tieri. But because the fanbase loves Kool-Aid, we get HERCULES, PRINCE OF REALITY SHOWS, coming to a comic shop near you. Yay.

Anyway, Alan has been playing with Photoshop lately, and this morning, a nifty little gem has appeared at the Galaxy. Check it out. For those who still want to claim that ADD is an elitist, you should finally be cured of that notion by looking at this.

Trust me. It's fuggin' neat.


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