Sunday, March 27, 2005


Heh. I could write Stan Lee cover blurbs all day and never get tired of it. But picking up from Chris's challenge to me:

You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?

Anything by Nathanial Hawthorne. I hated reading that fucker's writing when I was younger, and subsequent attempts have never convinced me that he wasn't an overrated, self-loathing, piece of shit. Burn, hawthorne, burn!

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

Sure, plenty of them, though many more from the screen rather than the page. Since thismeme deals with books, I'll go with that, and mention Shadow's wife Laura in Neil Gaiman's AMERICAN GODS. While her death and the circumstances surrounding it were unpleasant, there was a certain wretched sadness and love to Laura's actions as she came back from the dead to see Shadow through his trials. I found myself feeling a great deal of emotional warmth for her, particularly in her final actions.

The last book you bought is:

Oh God. This is a tough one. I do work in a library, after all. Wait... I bought Jenna Jameson's autobiography HOW TO MAKE LOVE LIKE A PORN STAR (A CAUTIONARY TALE), and I think that was the last one that cost me funds. Still need to finish reading it.

The last book you read:

Not coincidentally, it was Gaiman's AMERICAN GODS, which I literally finished about forty minutes ago. He's a much greater writer of prose than he is of comics, and considering how good his comics are, that's freaky scary.

What are you currently reading?

Having just finished one, I am between books. I'll likely dive into the review pile, rather than prose. Lots of stuff to read, from BLACK HOLE to a pile of 28 books from Devil's Due. There's also a shitload of other books in the pile, too. Oy.

Five books you would take to a deserted island:

THE FOUNTAINHEAD by Ayn Rand. A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY by John Irving. SKIPPED PARTS by Tim Sandlin. The PORTABLE SHAKESPEARE. And my all-time favorite novel, Robert Penn Warren's ALL THE KING'S MEN.

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?

Probably no one, because I suck at this kind of thing, but maybe someone will pick it up and run with it after reading mine.


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