Monday, January 18, 2010


Issue 49 of Comics Waiting Room opens up 2010 and here’s what we’ve got for you!

FARSCAPE Examined! Marc Mason takes a look at the Complete Series DVD set and examines the fate of the cult sci-fi show.

Separate But Unequal! In the shadow of MLK day, Vince Moore examines the recent push for female-driven mainstream comics and wonders if it’s at the expense of black male heroes.

Geeks on a Plane! Avril Brown discusses why every nerd needs a vacation and how a good holiday relates to reading a great comic book.

(Almost) Everything Must Go! Marc Mason has decided enough’s enough and the shelves must be pared down. Will you benefit from the purge?

Suspension of Disbelief vs Internal Story Logic! Elliott Serrano tackles the diffeence between the two and calls out Tom Breevort and Jack Bauer for failures in both.

Enjoy the reading!

Marc Mason
Comics Waiting Room

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