Thursday, August 26, 2010

Baltimore Comic-Con Features 400+ Artists/Publishers, 100+ Retailers/Exhibitors!
With over 400 Artists & Publishers and 80 Retailers/Exhibitors, Baltimore Comic Con is more than just its Guests

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - August 26, 2010 - The Baltimore Comic Con has once again stacked the guest list with a great lineup for 2010, but did you know there is more? With over 400 Artists and 100 Exhibitors and Retailers, you can spend a day or the weekend experiencing it all!

From Archie and Angel to Troll Lords and Zombies ...
...and everything in between, the artists at the Baltimore Comic-Con cover it all! Want to talk about Cursed Pirate Girls? Visit Bastian. More of a trade card collector? Go and visit Tressina Bowling. Or maybe you want to cry over "Chewy" being cancelled? Then stop by and visit Tedd Hazard.

With over 400 artists and publishers, the Baltimore Comic-Con has you covered. Whether you are "Gluten Free", "Absolutely Not Comics", a "Digital Pimp", or just a "Geek Boy", the different art that these artist and publishers represent will certainly amaze you.

Comics, Trades, Toys and T-shirts
Looking to do some shopping? Want to find that one comic you are missing from your collection? Or maybe you need to take home a gift to say thank you to someone for letting you spend the day at the Baltimore Comic-Con.Whatever the need, there are 100+ Retailers/Exhibitors ready to help. From the Golden Age of Comics to the Silver and everything in between, you can find it all here. From hard-to-find comics, storage options, all types of apparel (including kilts!), and toys for every collector, you can find it all at the Baltimore Comic-Con!

So come see us Saturday, August 28th from 10am-6pm and Sunday, August 29th from 10am-5pm.

A-1 Comics
Adams Action Figures
All Time Toys
All-American Comics
Amazing Spiral
Apocalypse Comics
Bargain Box
Basement Comics
Bedrock City Comic Company
Beyond Comics
Big Ben's Comix
Bill's Books and More
Bob Cook
Brett's Comic Pile
Captain Jack's Comics
Cards, Comics, Collectibles
Clandestine Comics
Collector's Castle
Collector's Comics
Collector's Corner
Comic Book Adventures
The Comic Book Shop
The Comic Interlude, Inc.
Comic Collector Shop
Comically Speaking
Comicfans Comics
Comics & Gaming
Comics to Astonish
Comics World
Cosmic Comix & Toys
Crazy Ed's
Dave's American Comics
David Burns
Dimension X Comics and Toys
The Encounte
Fantastic Realm
Fantasy Comics
Graham Crackers Comics
Graphic Audio
Greg Reece's Rare Comics
Greg White Comics
Guy Rose
Harley Yee Rare Comics
Harrison's Comics
Heroes Aren't Hard To Find
The Hobby Shop
Imperial Quartermaster Collectibles
Jeff Patrick
JHV Associates
John Haines Rare Comics
Laughing Ogre Comics
Mario Russomano
Metal Machine Ent
Monsters Walk Among Us, Inc
Motor City Comics
Nevermore Comics
Ninja Pirate Gear
North Coast Nostalgia
Painted Visions Comics
Past Generation Toys
Paul McSpadden
Premiere Collectibles
Plow On
Richmond Comix
Terry's Comics
Third Eye Comics
Thrill Me Entertainment
Tom's Comics
Tomorrow's Treasures
The T-Shirt Asylum
Ultimate Comics
Victory Comics Group
Warp 9
Welcome Back Comics
Wizard's Realm
Zapp Comics
Zeno's Books


Abrams Books
Adhouse Books
Also, Bagels
Big Dog Ink
BOOM! Studios
Brainfood Comics Company
Broken Icon
Browncoats: Redemption
Collectibles Insurance Agency
Diamond Comics Distributors
Hero Initiative
Image Comics
Indigo Ink
Insight Studios
Mike Wieringo Scholarship Fund
Th3rd World Studios
Top Cow
Top Shelf Comix
University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Artists Alley

21st Century Sandshark Studios - Dan Nokes, Tim Dzon, Will Nix, Jeff Yerkey
8-Ball Graphics - Terry Flippo, Jim Coon
A Wave Blue World - Tyler Chin-Tanner, Fabio Redivo
A Thousand Faces - Frank Byrns, Ed Eccleston
Absolutely Not Comics - Asher Humm
Afromation - William Jamison, Bert Richardson
Alt World - Nick Davis, Jenna Byrd, Rose Ward, Tony Tuski
Americans UK - Jef UK
Anthony's Comicbook Art - Anthony Snyder, AJ Snyder , Bobby Baron, Sharon Snyder, Jamison Snyder, Cameron Snyder, Bond Snyder, Stephanie Snyder
Bad Place Productions - Jon Hodges, Melissa Purdy, Clay Hesse
Bamn Comics - Jay Payne, Troy-Jeffrey Allen, Claire Kinnane
Bear Butt Comics - Brian Wingrove
Binary Souls/Other Dimensions - William Chrapcynski
The Blind Eye - James LaPorte, Amanda Rachels
Blue Milk Special - Leanne Hannah, Rod Hannah, Jon Kallis, Rachel Shaw
Boomtown Press - Brett Pinson
Bold Faced Comics - Neil King
Brick by Brick Design - David Wong
Bullfinch Comics - TL Collins, Dawn Griffin
Cadence Comic Art - Jamal Igle, Sean Murphy, Paolo Belfiore, Erik Jones, Jenny Frison, Christian Dibari, Erin Belfiore, Rob Palucci
Capes & Babes - Chris Flick
Charm City Geek - Dan Sorensen, Steve Hinz , Shawn Bogdan
Coswell Productions - John Bintz, R.M. Rhodes
Curls Studio - Carolyn Belefski, Joe Carabeo Daxiong - Michael Chen
Deaf Mute Comics - Jay Franklin, Gary Farmer, Chris Forsberg, Bill Dinh, Christina Tran
Dernwerks - Darren Gendron, Bryon Prindiville
Digital Pimp Productions - Phil Chan
Dream Weaver Press - Daphne Lage, Jose Calderon
Drumfish Productions - Jamie Fay, Rich Bernatovech
Effigy Motion - David Rankin, Robert Gulliford
Ever Ruler Productions - Errett Thomas, Crystal
Fake McCoy Comics - Ziggy Blumenthal, Glenn Blumenthal, Brad Smoley, Cory Harris
The Fictory - Jospeh Krzemienski, Juleann Benkoski
FUBAR - Jeff McComsey, Dominic Vivona, Steve Becker, Stephen Lindsay
Galaxion - Tara Tallan, David Tallan, Wendy Linkous, Robert Linkous
GCP Comics - Tony Calandra, Nathan Getz, Zak Greene
Geek Boy Press - Louie LaPalombara III , Bryan Striker
Gluten Free! - Ben Hatton , James Rambo, Jon Carey, Nate Solloway
Gray Haven Comics - Andrew Goletz, Lisa Goletz, Len Wallace, Jessica Logsdon
Hammond & Jacobs - Adriane Jacobs, Beverly Hammond
Happily Ever Art - K. Michael Crawford
HappyGlyphs Comics - John Steventon, Anitha Steventon
Heritage Comics HSQ - Andre Campbell
HijiNKS Ensue - Joel Watson
Hotinks - Darrell O'Riley
Identity Comics - Jerry Gaylord, Pennie Gaylord, Bryan Turner, Joe Jaro
Iconograph - Stephen Burks, David Hindelang, Mark Peasley, Lew Fraga
Independant Machine - John Bailey, Glenn Guinto, Thomas Helms, Amanda Kay, Ronald Desjardins, Adonis Morejon, Chris Hartman
Imperium Comics - James Dracoules, Christopher March
Interrobang Studios - Kevin Bolk, Sara Martinez
Leather Mischief - Stacy Stover
Leen Ink - Kevin Leen, Nora Leen
Li'l Scamp Comics - Dave Perillo, Scott Derby, Tom Whalen, Pat McMullen
Lunar Studios - Chris Ring
Mangia Industry - Chris Yura, Renee Yura
Moto Royal Studios - Jesse Gunne, Yanick Salazar
Motorcycleboy Comics - Brian Wrabley, Billy Poe
My Pal Mark - Mark Mariano, Chris Mariano
Naked Grape Comics - Ben
NY Comics - Sean McLoughlin, Brian Massa, Chris Capobianco, Cavan Donne, Chris Seminara, Eton Kwok, Issa Fattah, Mike Jeter, Marlon Chamberlain, Danny Cruz
Olde Towne Comix - John Aston , Victoria Boan
Panda Dog Press - Rob Anderson, Grace Chang
Plastic Farm Press - Rafer Roberts, Nan Roberts
PLB Comics - Josh Shockley, Mathew Shockley
RAK Graphics - Robert Kraus
RCSI Publishing - Matt, Darc
Red Rhino Comics - Tessa, Ben, Matt, Amy, Alex, Jamie, Heather
Rebel Star Studios - Antwon McNair
Rough Sketch Studio - Stephen Sistilli, Dexter Weeks, Mark Poulton
Scare Tactix Graphix - Bruce Levine, Glenn Tippett, John O'Connor, Jeremy Levine
Shot in the Dark Comics - Gene Tipton, Jared Boyel, Mary Baughman, Zeno
Society of the Okay - Annie Wu, Emma Rochon, Ariyana Suvarnasuddhi
Smoking Halo - Jeanie Galster, CJ Draden
Space Punks - Josep Blas, Jen Thicke
Spaghetti Kiss - Michael Bracco
Split Lip - Sam Costello, Douglas Draper
SpookyCo - Eric Moran, Miki Lacourse
Sporkman Studios - Eric J. Berry, Chuck Bonetti
Superhuman Cases of Archibald Penn, PI - R.L. May III, Pat Gizinski, Rob Smallwood
SuperHuman Resources - Ken Marcus
This Side of Brilliant - Brett Carty, Jon Schramm, Kelly Carty
The Underburbs - Joe Haley
Vikingfoto - Poul Pedersen, Lauren Pedersen
The Xion Group - Mike Colston, Shawn Alleyne
Zombie Love Squad - Miki Lacourse
Dave Aikins
Perry Alter
Scott Ethan Ambruson
Rey Arzeno
Rand Arrington
Duffy Austin
David M. Bancroft
Brett Barkley
Dave Barnis Design
Jeremy Bastian
Rich Bernatovech
Andy Bennett
Stephen Blickenstaff
Tressina Bowling
Bryan G. Brown
Rebecca Buchman
Joe Caramagna
Jerry Carr
Orcca Cast
Celine Chapus
Lloyd Christopher
Chad Cicconi
Antonio Clark
Garard Conte
Danielle Corsetto
Jeremy Dale
Matt Dembicki
Jamie Fay
Christopher FeQuiere
Jay Fife
Billy Fowler
Brendon & Brian Fraim
Jesse Fresco
Ian Glaubinger
Kevin Greaves
Garth Graham
Martin Grams
Ken Haeser
Shawn Harbin
Andrew Harmon
Tedd Hazard
Erica Hesse
Casey Heying
David Hillman
Terry Huddleston
Mike Imboden
Khalid Iszard
Joe James
Josh Jones
Jef Kolman
Ken K.
Joe Kertesz
Timothy Lantz
Scott Lincoln
JD Lombardi
Jeff Lonnett
Comfort Love
Josh Lyman
Chris Malone
Clay Mann
Anthony Marques
Mike Maydak
Brian Maze
John McLaren
Bill McKay
Manny Mederos
Kevin Meinert
Jason Metcalf
David Miller
Nick Mockoviak
Michael Moreci
Chris Moreno
Shawn Padraic Murphy
Sean A. Murray
David Newbold
James Nguyen
Mike Okamoto
Rob Paolucci
Bradd Parton
Joe Pekar
Lauren Perry
Paige Pumphrey
Andrew Quendo
David Quiles
Fabio Redivo
Chris Reuther
Sara Richard
Ronald Salas
Brad Samuelson
Christian Sager
Collen Sarfino
Stuart Sayger
John Schweiker
Tina Seasmonster
David Seidman
Joe Sergi
Dirk Shearer
Jim Sloss
Uko Smith
Anthony Snyder
Charles Soule
EC Steiner
Matt Triano
Koi Turnbull
Kelly Varesio
Dave Wachter
Sean Wang
John Watkins-Chow
Robert Wilson
Brian Winkeler
Adam Withers
Rich Woodall

As always, the latest developments on the Baltimore Comic-Con can always be found at our website (, Twitter (, Facebook (, MySpace (, and ComicSpace ( pages.

This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 28th.

Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries

About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 11th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. For more information, please visit

About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 5 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit

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