Wednesday, August 27, 2014

FORCE PUSH In Development for Second Season
Festival-Placing Female-Driven Genre Comedy is Back

For Immediate Release (Aug 25, 2014)
Force Push, a sci-fi comedy about a group of nerds who try to get Jedi powers - by any means necessary.
is now in development for its second season.  The series written, produced, and starring UCLA Graduate Jacqueline Steiger, first screened at the Austin Web Festival this summer to rave reviews, and Season one debuted with thousands of fans.

"Geeky wit, good production values, and characters we all know in real life. Looking forward to watching this series grow stronger with the Force." -Alan Sizzler Kistler, author and comic book historian

Steiger is no stranger to the entertainment industry; as a child actor, she worked with industry heavy-hitters like Danny DeVito and Sally Field. She is a feminist who supports LGBT rights, and a geek activist, who believes in the power of nerds; those kids bullied in adolescence who turned to sci-fi, fantasy, or comics for their escapism.  "The best part about being a geek is that we're not afraid to be unabashedly passionate.” says Steiger, “ We're not trying to be 'cool', because we've never been cool. We love our fandoms with an ardor more powerful than scorn.” While she is a proud geek, geekdom in general has been getting some flack for not being a safe space, including convention harassment, online misogyny, and a lack of representation. Force Push is her answer to that. "I want to represent lady geeks, and LGBT geeks, and not make a big thing of it. I'm just going to be out there, being who I am."

Force Push is currently raising funds for their second season, through a fan funding campaign at  Some of the amazing perks available include a ceramic Tardis pencil-case, an artist-drawn rendition of yourself as your favorite Star Wars character, a custom-made Storm Trooper costum, and a bonus gift of Dungeons & Dragons earrings for the Fanbackers that refer the most fans to the campaign.

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